Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rain, rain!

Please go away! It has been raining for the last month- seriously! We are very ready for Spring, but a drier Spring where we can enjoy venturing outdoors and perhaps head to the zoo even!

Here are some random photos from our INdoors fun, while the rain pours down!

"Risky Business"?

"Hey, Daddy...check this out!"

What Jack & Maggie did while Mommy was baking

And then when that got boring...

Easter 2011

We met the Easter bunny one random weekend while out and about shopping. We planned to actually see the bunny at the mall, but they were offering a good deal for pictures at Walmart, so we thought we would give it a try. This is the only shot we got that didn't have Jack's big pout, needless to say they weren't very interested in the bunny...that is until they weren't sitting on his lap. When they returned to Mommy and Daddy, it was all "hi" and smiles. Of course!

We enjoyed a wonderful Easter with family. It was hard to get either kid to sit still for a picture in their adorable Easter outfits, but here are some different pictures we did get of them all dressed up.

We attempted a family picture...

But it wasn't happening. Being outside, all they wanna do is RUN!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Here comes Easter!

We saw the Easter bunny this weekend. I will post the picture after I get the cards out to everyone. As a teaser, here is a reminder of Our First Easter!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weeeee! Horse

Apples, balls, whatever!

You say goodbye and I say hello!

Ring around the island!

Goodbye Dr. Wetzel!

Jack & Maggie will be 21 months this week, and as they get closer to 2 they leave behind their baby days more and more...right in front of our eyes. We saw Dr. Wetzel at our High Risk Children's follow-up this week and she was quite impressed and delighted with the progress of Jack & Maggie! Unfortunately, Dr. Wetzel is graduating and leaving Cincinnati...we are very happy for her, but she will be missed. She has been following the twins since they were born...and we've been so happy with her!
Some stats:

21 lbs. 3 oz.
2' 7"
He knows how to say want his wants and we are trying to help him work on more words and sounds. He gets frustrated sometimes when he can't have what he wants, and we have a hard time not laughing, because while frustrated he stomps his feet. It is quite funny! He is still such a sweet cuddle bug. He likes to is sit in his chair and read, drive cars around, and throw toys. He is still quite in love with his doggy, Wilma. She has become a lot more tolerant of his petting, especially since he recently figured out how to be gentle. He eats anything we put in front of him, and also likes to let Wilma try his food. Although he is getting to be a big boy, he still likes to be rocked and sang before going to sleep. Which I love, because it gives me that extra time just the two of us at night.


Someone learned how to turn over the duck and turn the shower on!

19 lbs. 5oz.
2' 7"
Is a chatterbox. She has learned the fine art of repeating, so Mommy and Daddy certainly watch what we say now. Daddy recently taught her "hi booger" and "abracadabra". She is also starting to put together 2 word sentences and is following simple commands. She loves to help clean up and give things to people. After dinner she helps clear the table by taking things from me and giving them to Daddy. She is still a wild child, but has developed a very sweet, nurturing side. She tucks her babies into bed, gives wide open, warm hugs and had even started recognizing when someone is upset. She is also still biting her brother...something we are still trying to figure out how to stop. At night she is the sweetest when she sits and reads her book, then says "all done, night-night", grabs her "paci" (the only time she gets it now) and lays in her bed. She says to me "show" and I turn on her mobile that plays on the ceiling. Then she plays in her bed quietly until she decides it is time for bed. I love hearing her sweet little voice through the monitor.

Pig tails!

Spring is FINALLY here and we've been enjoying some wonderful time outdoors!

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