Monday, October 5, 2009

Member of the club

This morning Maggie had her follow up eye exam, and this time around there are no signs of prematurity in her eye development. So she and Jack can follow up in a year as normal, healthy babies. While sitting in the waiting room for her dilating drops to take effect a mom with two girls and a son came up to me. She sat down and said, "So how early was she?". She saw Maggie's monitor and said her son went home on something similar. I responded and she told me her son was born at 24 weeks. He is now 2 and you'd never know! She told me her story and I told her mine. It's great to know that we aren't alone in this, and getting to talk to other parents who have gone through the struggles is so helpful. I'm a member of the NICU survivors club for life!

Today is the big EXTUBATION day! Jack did great throughout the weekend. His air leak is even louder, when he sleeps he sounds like he is saying "Yeah" or "Hi" through his tube, so I keep asking him silly questions. :) He looks great and has been a lot less agitated, all really good signs. I just have a good feeling about today. We'll get started in the next 30 minutes, so for now I'm just going to sit with him and think happy thoughts.

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