On their 4 Month birthday the babies had a pediatrician visit. They are both doing very well. Jack weighed 11lbs 7oz and Maggie weighed 9lbs 10oz. They are both moving along developmentally well, they are a bit behind in their chronological age with rolling over and grabbing things, but that is to be expected with preemies and they are actually very smart given their true age. Jack is officially off his feeding tube. He is feeding completely on his own and doing great! It has been such a relief and really makes life a lot easier. At their visit they also got their 4 month vaccines. Jack took his shots pretty well, needed a little bit of comfort and then was fine. Maggie had a meltdown and made her poor mom tear up! Later that afternoon they napped very well at Grandpa's house, but when they woke from their nap they were both miserable. I should have given them Tylenol before their shots, and it was a pretty bad scream fest for about 3 hours! They were both pretty inconsolable, but once their Tylenol finally started to work it calmed them down and they were able to rest better. I think Maggie took more of a hit from the vaccines, she was still unhappy the next day. They are both all better now though, and I now know better to give them the Tylenol ahead of time.
Thursday night Charlotte and I saw "White Christmas" at the Aronoff. It was the first show of our season tickets for this year. The show was good, kind of corny, but we had a good time. Friday afternoon and yesterday the babies got to spend time with their Uncle Dan. He got to see them playful...and screaming. :)
Next weekend we are having the babies pictures taken at the house. Our365 is coming out for a free photo session and we'll get a free 5x7. I'm hoping the babies are in good moods and we can get some good pictures of them. I've been wanting to get family photos taken, but I think we are going to just do this session and then next year we'll get official family pictures. We'll see how next weekend goes first. :)
The babies are really becoming little human beings. They actually play, laugh and smile at us, have starting really cooing and I think I'm starting to distinguish their crying. They sleep very well, which is a blessing! It is still a lot of work with the two of them, especially if they are both awake and cranky, but it is slowly getting easier and each day they amaze me with their big eyes and smiles!
Jack 4 Months Old
Maggie 4 Months Old
Jack & Maggie 4 Months Old
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