Little lady Maggie is 21" long and 10lbs 10oz. She is starting to show her very unique personality more and more, especially when she "talks" to us. She loves to babble in the morning and when her Daddy comes home she gets super excited to see him. She has quite the fiery temper, man when she gets mad she gets super angry! The big question we had for the doctor was a confirmation of a tooth. Well...she is NOT teething. She did have one of her crazy meltdowns while we were at the doctor's office and the doctor said it is, what else, colic! Apparently colic gets worse before it gets better, so I hope we are heading toward being done with her. Maggie still doesn't love tummy time, but is learning to tolerate it at different times of the day. She loves to bounce, which makes me excited for her Christmas present, a jumperoo. When she isn't bouncing or trying to stand, she loves to simply lie on the floor and kick her legs all around. She smiles all the time, sometimes for no apparent reason and sleeps like an angel.
Big man Jack is just over 21" long and 12lbs 7oz. He is a snuggle bug, and will smile and laugh forever! When he wakes up in the morning he will have bright happy eyes and a huge smile on his face. Then he will roll with laughter just at our voices. I love it! We never thought it would be possible, but when he gets, he gets mad too! He is still struggling with the nighttime fussy, but we are learning to manage. Bed time is sometimes a challenge as he loves his pacifier to fall asleep with now, and when he wakes hungry in the middle of the night he is starving and wants to eat RIGHT then! He loves tummy time, his fists to gnaw on and any soft toy. He will sit in the (pretty pink) bouncer on the kitchen island and watch me make breakfast, formula, bottles or whatever else I'm doing.
Both babies are starting to recognize each other, which is fun. They are also starting to play with toys, especially learning to pull them into their mouths. Right now they just love lying in the middle of the floor and kicking away, staring at whoever is looking below at them. We watched a "Baby Einstein" DVD with them the other night as an attempt to avoid the nighttime struggle, and it seemed to work. Maggie wasn't nearly as interested as Jack. He really sat in my lap and seemed to watch for a good 15 minutes. I think we are going to start putting that in with our nighttime routine of a bath and night bottle, to try to help ease them into a happy bedtime.
It's amazing these little guys are already 5 months old. It feels like just yesterday that they were both home with us. I can't wait to see what they do next.
5 Months Old
Helping Mommy make weekend breakfast
Tummy time!
Sister you are SO funny trying to shove your whole hand in your mouth!
Babies' first ornament...we actually found a boy/girl twin ornament!
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