Thursday, March 11, 2010

A quick moment of peace

It's been crazy around here lately, so while both babies are napping (for now) here's what's new. This past weekend we spent half of Saturday with Grandma & Grandpa Keller, then drove into Waynesville since it was such a gorgeous day! Sunday we drove out to Lexington, KY and visited our friends Chad & Erin. It was awesome getting to see had been way too long! The kids took the drive down very well, with only a short period of fussing. Of course Jack was all smiles and giggles at Chad & Erin, but Maggie, she was a different story. The little gal is a sweetheart, but has a pretty bad case of stranger anxiety. She was OK, as long as I held her or was right next to her. She eventually warmed up to Erin a little, just before taking a nap. Both kids were pretty well behaved, and it was a good visit. Hopefully we'll be able to visit them again soon, perhaps when everyone gets together later this year. We miss our friends!

Jack & Maggie both have new tricks.
  • Loves to sing! She will babble, scream, grunt and says Da-da-da-da-da! She also has this new sound, Ah-ah-ah-ah-ahhhh that she makes when she sees something she wants or likes.
  • Loves her projector attached to her crib and Wilma, aka: Doggy.
  • Rolls onto her belly constantly, but hasn't quite figured out what to do once she is there. Somehow she's forgotten how to roll onto her back.
  • Can sit better, but still prefers to stand and has learned the art of "jumping" while being held.
  • Isn't interested in baby food at all, but has become interested in cups. Whenever I have something to drink she tries to grab it to her own mouth. I've given her a small sip from my glass of water, so we're going to try sippy cups soon.
  • In addition to giving hugs and kisses, pats my back like I pat hers.
  • Still loves bath time, whether in the tub or patiently playing on the mat while Jack gets his bath.
  • Sleeps on her belly. Since she's started doing that, she's been sleeping a lot sounder at night.
  • Loves being sung to, especially with hand gestures. We sing Little Bunny Foo Foo, You Are My Sunshine, Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star all day long!
  • Loves her pacifier!
  • Has started babbling and playing with his tone.
  • Enjoys the jumperoo and has learned to really bounce. Also loves to lie on the floor and bang his feet, sometimes for no real reason.
  • Will smile at anyone!
  • Is almost sitting independently, just a little wobbly on the sides. When he does fall over though, he just rolls over and continues to play.
  • Has some interest in baby food, but only at the right time.
  • Doesn't like going to sleep, but once asleep is peaceful.
  • Gives hugs!
  • Thinks the laptop is quite interesting.
  • Loves blankets and shoulders!
Both babies will chew on just about anything, including fingers and knuckles. The biggest struggle I'm having right now is how to give my time to them. They want 110% of my attention, individually, and I just can't give it. I'm hoping once they learn about mobility they will want less of Mommy and more of all the fun wonders in the world. We shall see!

During this post Maggie woke and went back down to her nap, and now I'm holding Jack while he watches me type.

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