Tuesday, April 20, 2010

9 Months!

That's right, 9 months! Only 3 months until my little babies turn 1!! They are growing and changing every day now it seems. We saw the pediatrician this past Monday and they were utterly fascinated by the paper on the table and behaved very well, even with their one shot.

Jack & Maggie 9 Months Old

Maggie 9 Months Old:

  • 14 lbs 3 oz
  • 25 3/4"
  • Sits on her own
  • Rolls everywhere
  • Army crawls and tilts, but isn't quite crawling yet
  • Pats and bangs with her hands and toys
  • Chews on things like crazy, but still no teeth
  • Loves her jumperoo and bath time!
  • Loves to swing
  • Has a beautiful, loud and crazy voice- sings, screams, screeches, babbles, etc.
  • Can say "hi", "ba-ba-ba", "da-da-da" and "ma-ma-ma"
  • Knows Doggy, Mommy, Daddy, Jack, bottle, Grandma & Grandpa, "Go bye, bye", "Night-night", Shhh", "Take a bath" and many others
  • Enjoys baby food, still unsure about peas, but will eat them
  • Can pick up puffs with her fingers like a big girl
  • Can drink out of a water glass (assisted of course)
  • Sleeps well at night, usually through the night, with the occasional pacifier replacement
  • Is a bit afraid of new people, definitely having stranger anxiety
  • Is very curious about everything
  • Is very sweet and loving, giving hugs and kisses a lot
Jack 9 Months Old:

  • 16 lbs 3 oz
  • 26 1/2"
  • Sits on his own
  • Is far to content to sit and play than roll or even think of crawling (we're working on it)
  • Pats and bangs with his hands and toys
  • Chews on things like crazy, but still no teeth
  • Loves his blocks box and ring tower
  • Loves to swing
  • Grunts
  • Can say "hi" and "ma-ma-ma"
  • Knows Doggy, Mommy, Daddy, Jack, bottle, Grandma & Grandpa, "Go bye, bye", "Night-night", Shhh", "Take a bath" and many others
  • Loves baby food, especially prunes
  • Eats puffs like a champ
  • Sleeps well at night, with a bottle between 3-5am and then back to bed
  • Has no fear of people
  • Usually quite content
  • Will smile at anything and has a great chuckle
Bath time- sitting like big kids

Wagon ride

A lot has changed in our house over just the last month. The kiddos have become a lot easier to keep appeased and even nap time is getting easier. They have started to recognize one another, which has been really fun to watch. They will babble back and forth and when they both see the "doggy" they react and look to one another for reaction. We've begun taking them out more and more, which sometimes is no big deal and other times proves challenging. All in all though, we're definitely learning as we go and loving every minute of it!

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