Friday, May 21, 2010

10 Months Old!!

Double Digits! Jack & Maggie are 10 months old!

Jack 10 Months Old
  • 16 lbs 10 oz
  • 26" tall
  • Sits and rolls like a champ
  • Can pull himself up to stand with support
  • Has started playing with his sounds more: can say Dada, Doggy, Hi and Mama.
  • Has his first tooth
  • Blows bubbles and spits, especially when bored in the car
  • Smiles at everything!!
  • Loves bath time!
  • While teething has not been interested in food, but still loves prunes
  • Still thinks his Doggy is hilarious
  • Loves the jumperoo even more
  • Sleeps very soundly and puts himself to sleep often
  • Gives hugs
  • Although whiny when he doesn't feel well, is also very cuddly and sweet
  • Enjoys taking his sister's pacifier out of her mouth and then chewing on it
  • Wants to chew on everything
Maggie 10 Months Old

  • 14 lbs 14 oz
  • 25 3/4" tall
  • Sits, rolls and army crawls everywhere
  • Becoming quite mobile- will crawl very soon and wants to walk
  • Can pull herself up to stand with help and can stand against something while holding on
  • Babbles, sings, and is quite verbal ALL the time
  • Blows bubbles and spits
  • Loves bath time!
  • Loves her Doggy- and the Doggy's toys
  • Sleeps better and goes to bed easier most nights
  • Has her first teeth- two on the bottom
  • Has started opening up to people
  • Addicted to her pacifier since teething, but self-soothes very well
  • Loves sitting in the shopping cart
  • Eats food like a champ- pretty much everything
  • Can feed herself finger foods
  • Likes to play the "pacifier game" with Mommy
  • Is interested and curious about everything
This past week Jack has not been feeling well. We happened to be at Children's for a High Risk follow-up Tuesday, so he was looked over. He is healthy, so it seems his teeth are bothering him now. The poor guy has just been so unhappy, but with some Tylenol and sleep he seems to be feeling better. He has been sleeping A LOT, so possibly growing as well. Meanwhile, Maggie has been enjoying a lot of one-on-one time with Mommy. While at High Risk the doctor's noticed that the kids' growth has slowed down, so they've been increased to 26 calorie formula. Additionally, Jack's height isn't matching with his weight, so he is getting whey protein with his formula to hopefully stimulate his height growth. Watch out world, Jack might be a body builder soon!

The munchkins are no longer my little babies, but independent and spirited kids. It seems they learn something new everyday and although they are twins, they've certainly developed their own unique personalities.

Jack & Mommy (notice my wet t-shirt from Jack)

Even while not feeling well, he can still smile at his Doggy

Maggie just being Maggie :)

Maggie's first teeth

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, man... They just keep getting cuter! Jack's hair is getting long!

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