Sunday, September 5, 2010

Zoo, Wedding, Milk & Concert

Last week we took the kids to the Cincinnati Zoo, along with Chris, Audra & Deigan Vine. It was a ton of fun and while Jack simply enjoyed the ride, Maggie was really interested in all the animals. I look forward to going back now that the weather is becoming more agreeable.

"We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo! The Cincinnati zoo, zoo, zoo!"

Our first family trip to the zoo

Maggie at the petting zoo- she liked pointing at the sheep and goats

These little penguins were swimming all over and the kids had the perfect view

Maggie pointing at the elephants

That night the kids spent some time with Granny & Gramps while Brian and I attended Kate & Geoff's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and we were happy to be part of the celebration. :)

Congrats to Kate & Geoff and may you have a wonderful, happy marriage together!

We've been working on drinking out of cups during meals. They have finally got the hang of drinking, now we just have to work on tilting. They know what they are doing, which is fun. Maggie even occasionally says "milk" or "water".

Got milk?

This past weekend Gramp's band played a concert for family and friends at Keehner Park. The kids had tons of fun playing in the park and Maggie took some more steps, that we finally got on camera. She'll be walking before we know it!

Yeah, we're with the band

Here I come Mommy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cool, Tina! That's great that you were able to catch that on video! I can't believe how big they are getting. Can't wait to see you guys at Thanksgiving!

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