Monday, October 18, 2010

15 Months!


Yesterday the kids turned 15 months old! They are so different- and ever changing! Last week they each weren't feeling well, so we took them to the doctor. They were then supposed to have their 15 month pediatrician visit today- but since they were sick and put on antibiotics, the appointment has been rescheduled for next week. While there the kiddos were weighed- Jack at 19 lbs 2 oz and Maggie 17 lbs 8 oz. They are both STILL just under 20 lbs!

Maggie is walking and learning to run. She walks everywhere, very rarely ever crawling. Recently she has learned chase and has incorporated peek-a-boo into that. Her talking/babbling is non-stop and her vocabulary has really started to grow. We have been working on different words with her, just to encourage the new sounds. Today she learned cookie. She has become very good at hugs and going to bed, additionally she has picked up on her brother's tantrums...but she recovers much more quickly.

Maggie's newest favorite thing to do...climb into the toy bin and play

Jack is walking! Without any encouragement from us, in fact it was the dog that really got him going. One afternoon he just started walking and he has been taking off since then. He is still doing the Frankenstein walk with his hands out straight- and he has mastered distance, turns, and even some climbing. It's insane, but also so exciting. We're still working on his verbal communication...though he does play with his sounds more than even a couple of weeks ago. Most nights he is good about going to bed, but we are still trying to manage his 1-2 tantrums a day. Timeout seems to be our only way to cope- most of the time he seems to just need to get it out!

By far my FAVORITE time of the day (well of the work day) is when I come home, walk downstairs and am greeted by two of the best babies in the entire world! Maggie RUNS to me and squeals in delight and Jack either speed crawls or walks to me and grunts his sweet grunt! I love it and look forward to it every day!

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