Monday, March 5, 2012


With a kids get in free offer available at the aquarium we decided to try out the aquarium for the first time. Neither Brian nor I have ever been there, so we really didn't know what to expect. We had heard good things though, so optimistically we packed up and headed to Newport.

Sunglasses on and ready to go!

Let's see some fish!

Unfortunately this is how most of the experience ended up. The exhibits were all a bit too high for the kids to really see the fish, so we spent a lot of time picking them up so they could see all the action.

Maggie checking out the guy inside the tank feeding the fish

Mommy with her kiddos

Stopping for gold fish crackers, seemed appropriate for a snack among the fish


Unfortunately the penguins were at the end and by that point we were all eager to leave. I'm thinking we'll hold off on the aquarium for another few years. It was still nice getting out together as a family.

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