Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Big girl panties

I realized this morning I completely forgot to post about Maggie being potty trained!  We are so close to being 100% there, I like to think we are at maybe 96%.  She actually potty trained MONTHS ago!  I used the 3-day method a good friend of mine recommended, and Maggie took to the potty very well.  She was "trained" in about 2 days, and though she had some relapsing/control issues for maybe 2 weeks, she is dry and able to use the potty all by herself.  That is for peeing.  Pooping has been an on and off struggle.  She started going poop on the potty, initially doing that even better than peeing.  Then she got a bad bout of constipation and it all spiraled out of control from there.  At this point she will need to go, stop herself until she can't anymore, have a little start in her panties and then go in the actual potty.  UNTIL THIS MORNING...she came to me while playing, said "Mommy, I need to go poop." and went just like that.  She still needs some help getting all cleaned up, but one step at a time around here.  I'm just so proud of my little/big girl.

As for Jack, slow and steady is his pace for the race.  Some days I let him wear a pair of pull-ups, and we try to use the potty after meals and before bed.  He still has some issues with putting his hands in his pants, so most days he is diapered and in onesie shirts.  I want to try the 3-day method on Jack, I'm just waiting for the right time.  He still has some issues pooping, so I'm really in no rush to bring him more stress.

My goal realistically is to have them both at 100% independent by this Spring.  That way they can start preschool Fall 2013.  OMG- preschool!!!


Anonymous said...

Lick, suck and fuck

Anonymous said...

both of them for me

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