Thursday, June 13, 2013

Jack & Maggie's Big Show

For months we have been practicing and practicing our dance for our BIG show!  It was finally June, and finally time to head to Sycamore HS (where Daddy went to school) and get on the big stage for Daddy, Mommy, Papa & Gee to watch us in the audience.  A few weeks back we took pictures in our costumes:

Our class

Unfortunately, putting the suit on Jack also spooked the little guy.  From that day on he refused to dance!  He wouldn't practice anymore, wouldn't even step foot in the room.  On the day of rehearsal we got Maggie all ready and let Jack stay in his regular clothes, deciding not to push him.  When it was their turn to practice on stage Miss Amy (their awesome dance teacher) took Jack backstage to help him get comfortable...and he got on stage and did his whole dance!!  They did great at rehearsal and were all ready for the big day.

We decided to go minimal on Jack's attire- which made him much more comfortable
Sitting backstage we waited patiently (actually, very patiently) for our turn, mostly by coloring.

Then finally, it was our time to shine on stage!

Jack made it all the way backstage, I left him in good spirits to run to my seat and watch from the audience.  Miss Amy said he was all ready to go until... he wasn't!  He turned to her just as they were ready to walk out and said "I don't want to dance anymore".  And that was that.  He ended up doing the finale and was just as awesome!  Maggie did her dance beautifully and I was proud of both of my little dancers.  I will say, I teared up at the end, especially with all the cheers and show of love from the audience! :)

Miss Amy with her dancers
After the show we met up with Daddy, Papa & Gee, took some pictures and enjoyed a nice dinner at Rooster's (dancers' choice) followed by dessert at Orange Leaf (another dancers' choice).  It was a wonderful day!

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