Monday, July 22, 2013

4 years old!!

Jack & Maggie are 4!  It is amazing to believe that 4 years have already gone by since these two have entered our lives.  We are so blessed with our wonderful family, and I feel especially lucky to be their Mommy!  The actual big day fell on a Wednesday, so of course Daddy had to go to work.  We opened a present in the morning before Daddy left.

Mom: "How old are you?"  J & M: "FOUR!!"
Then after getting dressed we met up with Gee and went to the Sharon Woods water play park.  Jack & Maggie had a blast playing in the water fountain- and it was certainly a great activity for the HOT summer day!  Once we were done splashing around and dried off, we enjoyed a yummy lunch at The Rootbeer Stand.  Nothing better than a rootbeer float and hot dog to celebrate turning 4!

After a nice nap we met up with Daddy and enjoyed a Birthday dinner at Red Robin.  They sang to the kids and each received a Birthday hot fudge sundae!  It was a wonderful Birthday!

Here are some of our 4 year pictures we took earlier in the month!  My babies just aren't "babies" anymore!!

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