Tuesday, August 6, 2013

San Diego, CA Vacation 2013

We are baaack!  The last week of July and first week of August the Keller 4 spent a wonderful vacation in sunny San Diego, CA.  We met up with all the Hennings clan, stayed in a beautiful beach house and enjoyed our time with the CA family.

The kids did great traveling, and although allergies made their appearance half way thru which made Jack, Maggie & I feel a little rough; it was a far "easier" trip than last time.  A big thank you to our awesome Papa Ron & Grandma Shannon for not only renting the house, but for cooking some delicious (seriously, delish!!) food and for loving on us the whole week! 

Watching a movie on the airplane.

Jack in the water fountain at the time share.

Fortunately this was at the pool, because Jack wasn't much of a swimming guy.

After some fun in the sun, Jack crashed on TOP of his cousin Devan.

Lollipops!  Jack ATE his lollipop while Maggie stuck to licking it.

Papa Ron with 4 of the 5 grandkids.

Cowboy Jack!

Cowgirl Maggie!

Our family on the Oceanside Pier.  The one and ONLY family picture we took.

Mommy & Maggie

Maggie & Grandma Shannon

Walking along the pier a fisherman asked if the kids wanted a picture with some big white-fin tuna.  Pretty cool!

Jumping off the rock wall at the time share.

Ready, Set, Go!

Sun set.
 Mid week the 4 of us took a family trip to Disneyland!  It was super fun, but being middle of summer, super busy.  With CarsLand and The Little Mermaid over at California Adventure we went ahead and did the park hopper for both parks.  It was crazy difficult to travel between the two, and although it was neat to see, we were a bit bummed because our 39" kids weren't tall enough as most "cool" rides are 40".  We did ride a decent amount in Fantasyland.  And we walked onto Pirates on the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion & The Little Mermaid.  Plus we didn't wait more than 30 minutes (45 minutes for a particular roller coaster Maggie HAD to ride!), which I think is pretty darn good for summer at Disneyland!  So I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I had hoped for...but the kids had a true blast and really that is all that matters!
Maggie having her one on one conversation with Belle.

Our Princess!

Standing in line: "Bummer!".


ToonTown fun!

Waiting in line to meet Mickey Mouse (or Mickey the Rat as Papa Ron has taught us).  We ended up bailing as the line was super long and the kids were super antsy!

Tow Mater's Junkyard Jamboree- pretty awesome!

Tow Mater!

Luigi's Flying Tires- pretty lame!

Maggie seeing Ariel on The Little Mermaid ride!  This made it all worth it!

On our trek back to Disneyland from California Adventure they crashed.  So we found a shady spot and rested.  We were going to use this time to enjoy a nice, cold beer that we saw while walking through California Adventure.  Joke was on us, Disneyland doesn't serve alcohol!

More ToonTown fun!

Hard to see in the picture- these are their Disneyland souvenirs.  Lighting, twirling, annoying Lightning McQueen and Minnie Mouse toys!

While in CA I celebrated my 31st Birthday!  It was nice getting to celebrate with the extended CA family, especially since my Aunt, Uncle and cousins also drove down that day and spent a couple of days with us.  We spent the gorgeous summer day at Oceanside Beach!

They all have the same "pose".

This one got super adventurous out in the waves with Mommy!

Meanwhile Jack enjoyed goldfish crackers with Grandma!

Maggie & Papa

My sunflower!


We were invited to see the cockpit and meet the pilot.

Jack was more than excited!

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