Monday, June 22, 2009

And the rings are off!

My swelling hasn't been utterly extreme, but with the humidity and my body temperature being higher, I guess my fingers just finally had enough. I've been wearing my rings because although getting them off is tougher, they haven't been tight on my actual finger. Well today, it started to hurt. So they are sitting here next to me, all alone. :( Perhaps I'll stick them on a chain and wear them as a necklace, I don't know. It's not too big a deal, but I love my pretty rings, and I feel so naked without them on. In other news...

My very good friend, Jackie, welcomed her first baby into the world this past Tuesday. Alexis Nicole weighed in at 9 lbs. 3oz. and 21.5" long! We went and visited the new family yesterday and met Alexis. She is adorable! There is always something about how "perfect" c-section babies look! Apparently she has her nights and days all confused, but if they get that turned around mommy will be a happy camper. She's been sleeping over 8 hours during the day! Jackie looks fantastic and I can't wait to visit with them again soon, and perhaps this time I'll remember to actually use the camera I purposely put in my purse! Seriously, I don't know where my mind has gone lately.

This past weekend was pretty relaxing, as weekends go. Saturday early afternoon we toured Christ Hospital and now know where we'll be and "some" of what to expect while there. Obviously not much can prepare us for the real thing. It was good to see everything ahead of time. There were some interesting questions from others on the tour, my favorite came from a guy about our age "So, how long do you typically spend in the labor room?" Poor guy has no clue!

Saturday afternoon was Brian's cousin's graduation party. It was outside under a tent, and although it was 91 degrees at one point, I wasn't terribly uncomfortable. I was able to go inside to cool off in the air conditioned house when I needed to, and otherwise it was good seeing the family and hanging out.

And finally, Happy "day-after" Father's Day! I can't wait until next year when we have 2 babies to celebrate holidays, like Father's Day. The babies got their daddy a box of Sour Patch Kids. Brian is going to make such a great father, as he is a wonderful husband already!

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