Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Couples Baby Shower

This past weekend our friends gave us an awesome couples baby shower. Everyone had a great time and we were lucky to have all of our friends come together to celebrate the babies. We played some fun games, I won the baby food game! The babies are very lucky, we got tons of great gifts from everyone! It was a wonderful shower...thanks to Sarah, Erin & Angela (not to mention Chris, Chad and Nick)!

Cute invite Erin made

The "theme" of the shower Two Peas in a Pod


Jack and Sarah's cute daughter Addison enjoyed helping me open presents

The excited parents

Wilma also enjoyed the excitement, she was so good with the kids.

Over the weekend we put the bedding together in the cribs.

Jack's Crib

Maggie's Crib

This week is 25 weeks. I can't believe how big I'm getting...

Dresses are becoming far more comfortable. I think I'm coming up on another big growth spurt too, when I move I feel like I've done 100 crunches, except for rather than having abs of steel, I've got what feels like a bowling ball there instead. :) The babies are growing though...good and strong.

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