Happy New Year! Is it twenty-ten, two thousand & ten, twenty-ott, or what? Either way, here's to an exciting year! 2009 was so eventful and will always be remembered! It's hard to believe we started the year preparing with IRH and ended the year falling asleep from exhaustion, before the ball even dropped. The kiddos spent New Year's Eve with their wonderful grandparents, while Brian and I watched a couple of movies and really got refreshed! Jack decided to end 2009 on a great note...he slept through the night not only for Mommy & Daddy Wednesday night, but also for Grandma & Grandpa Thursday night!! Maggie slept through the night Wednesday as well, and then only woke once for a quick bottle Thursday. We're hoping this is a new trend for 2010! Another new thing, both babies have become rather clingy. They don't want to be put down or left alone. They'll play on their mats or with toys for a little while, but prefer constant attention. They are starting to nap less and stay awake longer, which is fine except for when they get fussy and I run out of ways to entertain them together. Nighttime baths and bottles seems to be helping. I think we're turning a slow corner, although we have teething to look forward to. :)
I'm excited to see what 2010 has to hold for us. It's hard to imagine the babies are coming on 6 months! Soon we'll have teeth, crawling, baby food, walking, and they'll be 1 before we know it!
Happy New Year to all of our friends and family! We love you all so much and can't wait to share all the joys of 2010!
New Year's Eve trying to get ready for Grandma & Grandpa

Jack was patting her head...perhaps trying to calm her down, she wasn't having any of it
Maggie's newest trick...

She can stand on her own! (well, with the chair's "assistance")
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