Thursday, January 7, 2010


During their nap, the batteries in Jack's swing died. So I swiftly began removing the dead batteries to replace with new ones. As I pried the battery out...I dropped it on his HEAD! It wasn't that far of a fall, but I know it knocked him good. I felt so bad...he opened his eyes and then let out a scream. I think he was more shocked than actually injured. I immediately started to console him and when the swing started to rock he rolled his head over and fell back to sleep. I've been watching his poor noggin to make sure I didn't give him a welt, but it looks OK, not even a red mark. Mommy is so sorry baby boy!

There is a winter storm passing right over us right now. I'm staying put with the kids, warm and safe. As long as the roads are OK tomorrow they will go to see their grandparents. I hate the idea of driving around in bad weather with them. It is very pretty outside with all the fresh snow on the trees and ground, but rush hour tonight is going to be rough and I just hope Brian can get out of work and home to us swiftly and safely. He is still waiting on word for an early end to his day. Everyone out there driving tonight, be safe!

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