Monday, June 21, 2010

11 Months Old!!

11 Months Old!!

This has by far been the biggest month of changes and learning new things!

Maggie 11 Months Old

Maggie is everywhere! She is a crawling champ. She can climb the stairs in less than a minute. She can pull herself up to stand and is learning to walk around holding onto things. She waves hello (at everything and everyone) and has just about figured out waving bye-bye. She can say all sorts of things; Dadda, Mamma, Bye, Ba (bottle and/or bath), Doggy (I think she is learning to say Wilma- Wi), Wa (walk) and tons of other babbles that haven't formed into anything yet. She loves to sing and roll her tongue; she truly is our little Magpie.

Jack 11 Months Old

Jack is just about crawling forward, but very slowly. He wants to pull up to stand, currently he can only get up on his knees. He loves to stand at things though and knows how to get down. He says Hey, especially to Daddy on the phone. He can also say Dadda, Mamma, Doggy, Back (which I think is his way of learning Jack) and has really started babbling a lot! He enjoys playing independently and stealing his sister's pacifier. He is a sweet little man, gives hugs and cuddles up with mommy when he is tired. His smile...just the best!

Both kiddos are learning to eat a more complex diet. Jack will eat chunkier baby foods and munch them down, but Maggie is only interested in chunky foods if she can feed herself. She can eat puffs, french fries, mashed potatoes, etc., but won't take anything with substance from a spoon. Hopefully she'll be ready for bigger foods soon, right now she still doesn't munch enough and chokes, so we can't really move onto much finger foods. Jack really enjoys any foods I put in his netted holder. He will eat his and his sister's lunch sometimes!

I am in full 1st Birthday party planning mode! The invites are addressed and ready for the mail and I've been working on their slide show. It will be so much fun to celebrate their big day with all of our family and friends next month!

Hanging out in Granny's Miata

I caught a moment of the two playing together

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