Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Crawling, scooting, climbing, standing, oh my!

The kids are everywhere these days! Jack woke Saturday morning and he was completely back to himself, you'd never know he ever had surgery. He learned over night how to pull himself up onto his knees and he is close to pulling himself up to stand. He is getting up on his hands and knees and can crawl, but only in reverse. The poor guy gets so frustrated because he can't seem to get the hang of going forward, but when he does I can see him really moving out. Aside from that he is a rolling machine and can scoot while sitting on the hardwood floor upstairs, which is really funny to watch.

Maggie, oh Maggie! Not only is Maggie crawling, she is climbing onto everything and everyone! She pulls herself into my lap all the time now, especially if I'm holding her brother. She can climb the stairs and can pull herself up to stand at pretty much everything. She hasn't quite figured out the foot work yet, so a lot of time she ends up leaning, but I think she'll figure it all out pretty soon and I can see her taking some steps within the next couple of weeks. Brian is currently putting the bumpers on our fireplace mantel for the kids' protection since they are now up and in the head smacking stage. Additionally a baby gate is going up at the top of the stairs in the kitchen, so they can boogie around up there with us.

So much has really changed in just this last month, I can't wait to see what the next month will hold!

The kids and "some" of their toys

Jack & Maggie playing together

Dinner at Willie's Sports Bar- Kids eat free on Tuesdays! :)

Maggie after her nap

Maggie showing Daddy her new "trick"

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