Wednesday, August 18, 2010

13 Months Old!!

It's been a full month of being 1 year old, and Jack & Maggie are certainly learning the new life of being toddlers! They are into anything and everything! They both walk along and behind everything, and Maggie not only takes steps holding onto hands or fingers, she is also standing up on her own without holding onto anything. If she keeps going like this she will probably be walking by 14 months! Jack still doesn't have his balance down for standing, but I'm OK with one walking baby at a time. :) Maggie said her first sentence the other day. "Maggie taking a baaaath!" She says it when she is in the tub and she's also said it when getting ready for a bath. She also replies "yea" to certain things and consistently waves hi or bye. Jack is babbling tons now. Ba, Ma, Da and he has started saying "Dadda" to Brian. Maggie plays peek-a-boo with all sorts of objects and has learned where things "hide" and how to turn pages or flip flaps in books. If only her brother would stop chewing the book during story time! :) Both play "Find Mommy/Daddy!", chase and there own version of peek-a-boo together. They LOVE their tunnel! We're still working on sippy cups. After their last High Risk appointment we moved them from formula to Pediasure. They like it, but still aren't completely able to stop with bottles. Sleeping has improved, though recently they've been waking up earlier. I'm not sure how to work on this with them. I would let them be, except for when they do wake up early they are cranky and I can tell they could have used more sleep. Probably yet another phase or teething! :) Next week Granny is on vacation so we are planning a visit to the zoo and then Daddy is going to join us for a trip to the King's Island water park. Should be fun to enjoy the last days of summer getting out and about, especially as the heat starts to finally fade. It's been one HOT summer!

13 Months Old and eating their 1st chocolate chip cookie!

Maggie REALLY needed something inside the bin!

Reading with Mommy


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