Sunday, August 22, 2010

Spaghetti night

Tonight the kids had their first spaghetti dinner!

Jack seemed to like it, but a lot of his ended up in his lap.

Maggie devoured her spaghetti, which was no surprise because she loves macaroni & cheese.

We've been working on the kids with weaning them off bottles, which hasn't been 100% successful, but they are down to 3 bottles a day. Which I call success! And since they are drinking Pediasure instead of actual formula, we can screw the bottle nipple straight to the Pediasure bottle. So...I got to pack up all their bottles which was awesome! It has been nice not cleaning and drying all the bottles and bottle parts, especially Maggie's bottles with the 4 parts plus bottle. Instead 3+ times a day I'm cleaning high chair seats, straps, trays and the floor. :)

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