Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sick as dogs

All 4 of us have been held hostage at home sick this past week. Starting early Monday morning (2:30am early) Jack woke up throwing up in bed. We thought we were in the clear after Jack resting and not throwing up anymore by Monday afternoon. Unfortunately come Tuesday early evening, Maggie started throwing up. By that point I was starting to feel pretty miserable myself. Since Tuesday evening all 4 of us have been miserable. We have one of the worst flu bugs I have ever experienced. The whole stomach upset, body ache, stuffy, headache, etc. I feel terrible for the kids because they don't really understand the whole sick thing, but fingers crossed it is Thursday evening and I think we are finally heading toward the end. No one has gotten sick at all today, which to me is a good sign. We've watched Lion King about 5 times in 48 hours and about 40 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We've camped out in the family room and all napped together in Mommy & Daddy's bed. I'm certainly ready for this week and illness to be over!

Here are poor Jack & Maggie passed out this morning during yet another showing of Lion King

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