Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday make-up

I'm going to use this post to make up for some time missed. Such as the kids' turning 2 1/2! Here are their stats:

Maggie weighed in at a tiny 22 lbs. and 35 1/2" tall. Maggie talks ALL.THE.TIME! If she isn't talking she is either singing or playing so intently she can't be bothered to speak. Her imagination has started to blossom. She pretends with different toys and has starting to show a special affection for her babies. She sings to them, feeds them, carries them around telling them "It's OK, don't cry." and just thoroughly enjoys caring for them. Don't be fooled though, a real baby is of no interest to her. When I ask her if she wants to help take care of Brady, she runs in the other direction. I think the "real" thing scares her a bit. Maggie also likes to be a kitty cat. She will meow, constantly. She has started to play with Jack and Riley, but is far more content still playing independently. Except for when she wants me to play with her, and her desire for my attention has increased ten-fold. She still loves to cuddle and although she has a temper on her complete with the screaming and throwing herself on the ground, she also has a matching sweet side with huge, warm hugs. Maggie is a piece of cake when it comes to sleeping. She climbs into her bed, hugs onto whichever baby is with her for that moment, sings her song with me and that's it, she goes to sleep. Every now and then I might have to go back and remind her to go to sleep because she is laying in bed singing or talking, but otherwise she is a great sleeper. She has also recently given up her paci, during the day.. I asked the pediatrician about it at her visit and he said it would be OK until 3, but we would have the fight then just as much as now. So I looked at Maggie right there and said, "Maggie, the doctor said since you are a big girl, you don't need your paci anymore." and the he followed me with "Yes Maggie, can you put your paci away like a big girl and only have it when you sleep?" And that was seriously what it took. She handed it to me and we have occasional moments when she asks for it, but I simply remind her what the doctor said and she is fine. It has been great! Unfortunately we have backed away from any potty training, but I'm OK with that for now. Maggie is a strong willed little gal, and I love that about her. :)

Jack weighed in at 25 lbs. and 35" tall. Jack is a wild child! He growls, seriously growls. He gets super excited and will go overboard and just start throwing toys shouting "Oh no!" and then laughs. He really enjoys funny scenes on different cartoons, and will giggle and laugh hysterically. He also has quite the memory, often able to recite a cartoon after watching it maybe twice. Jack is more interested in playing with Maggie than she is with playing with him. He will try over and over to hand her a toy and say "Maggie, play" until either she yells at him "No!" or he gets bored and gives up. Sometimes she will actually play with him, which he gets all giddy about. Jack likes to eat! He is always the last one at the table, often still eating after the other 3 have not only finished, but cleaned up, brushed teeth and put on pajamas. Jack also still loves his doggy, and Wilma is even starting to warm up to him more letting him pet her and they "play" ball together. Along with his wild personality, he has absolutely NO patience and will throw down at the drop of a hat. He has this way of flinging himself to the floor and kicking his feet. Unfortunately, this follows into his going to bed issue. Jack doesn't like to stop and sleep. Honestly, the kid never stops until we make him sleep. So bedtime isn't his favorite part of the day. It has gotten better though, and he is usually sleeping within 10-15 minutes, where it was taking closer to 30-45 minutes before. The hardest is when I leave the room and he says "Mama, wait!" There is a special part in my heart that smiles when I hear that, but it also makes me a little sad to still close his door. I'm a sucker and will usually give him one more kiss. :) His talking has increased a lot and he is starting to pretend play, mostly with his cars, which he LOVES! Jack is also our little Al Bundy, unfortunately in the toddler stage of sticking his hand down his diaper. He will lay or sit watching a cartoon with his hand down his pants the entire time! I've started to ignore it, as I noticed when I said something he would laugh and do it even more. Jack still likes to nestle into my neck when he wakes up and cuddle, which I love. He is a happy kid, and makes us laugh all the time!

Other happenings around the Keller house, I cut my thumb pretty bad last week using an apple core contraption.

I ended up with 2 stitches and a sore thumb for a few days. Stupid apples!

Maggie is starting a tumbling class Sat mornings with me at the local Gym-Nation, more about that in coming weeks. Jack will get to spend some quality time with Daddy while I'm with Maggie. I think this will be nice for both kids, to have some time without their pair and undivided attention with their parent.

All in all, life has been happening and fun at the Keller house!

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