Thursday, February 9, 2012

Our 1st painting experience

I broke out the paint today, and yes I know it is remarkable this is the first time we have painted. My clean, type A personality needed to get the idea of paint and mess figured out before we actually began the project. It went SO well!

Maggie & Riley agreed to wear their painting smocks, I showed them their heart "stamps" and they ran with it. I got the idea for the heart shape from another blog I frequent, it is just a toilet paper roll folded down and taped to hold the shape. I used finger paints for the project, since I wasn't sure if they would get the stamping part. Remarkably they just stamped and smeared with the stamp, and neither got into the actual finger painting part. Jack refused to wear the painter smock. Refused! He kept asking to paint and I'd tell him he just had to put on the "bib", but with neither of us budging he ended up coloring and then I held the heart stamp with him for a couple of hearts on his paper.

Maggie's finished project

Jack & Mommy's finished project

After painting to our hearts content, we made butterfly pictures with hand-prints. Add some Valentine stickers and happy! :) I've been adding art to each day after snack, and I can't wait to get into some really fun projects.

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