Monday, December 10, 2012

Big boy undies

Someone is potty trained and wearing big boy underwear!

Just before Thanksgiving Jack decided he was ready to use the potty like a big boy, and has been potty trained since.  Randomly one day I heard Maggie go to the bathroom and then I heard someone else in the bathroom, so I went to investigate.  I found Jack with his pants pulled down, sitting on the potty and going pee.  As a mommy, this was awesome!  From that moment I put him in underwear, and he has been going strong since.  I had been putting him in pull ups for nap and night, even though he has been dry for the past couple of weeks.  Yesterday he actually requested we take off the pull ups and put on underwear...and he has been dry just like that.  No more diapers for the Keller kids!

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