Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas was highly anticipated, very thought-out and albeit ended up being a wonderful Christmas, thankful for our many blessings, family and friends, it was in one word exhausting.  Thursday before Christmas Maggie started with croup.  By the Thursday following I finally went to the doctor and found myself with both bronchitis and a sinus infection.  In between that time Jack & Maggie each ended up with pneumonia and the flu.  All in all we did have a nice holiday, but being sick made it slightly less enjoyable, especially for the kids. 

Brave ended his December stay with us in some fun places:
We said farewell to Brave until next year and he returned home with Santa.

Christmas Eve was spent with Papa & Gee opening their Christmas presents to us.  We were very spoiled this year!  At this point Maggie was in the thick of being sick, Jack ended up worse the following couple of days.

An attempt at a family picture
And we're done, check out Maggie's face!
Santa dropped off our presents!

Christmas morning started off with some excitement after we finally pulled ourselves out of bed.  By this point the kids had been "sleeping" with us going on 4 nights straight.  We started opening presents, but poor Maggie was miserable and half way through, we could barely get her off the couch.

Christmas evening we spent with family at our house.  It was a wonderful first Christmas in our new home and even with being sick and tired, we are truly happy to be so very blessed!  Merry Christmas!

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