Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Kitty has Claws

Maggie is home, and as animated and feisty as ever! She needs her little nails cut, but I haven't had the guts to do it just yet. When she gets mad, she grabs onto me and has scratched me pretty good. I can't believe how strong a little 6 pound Peabody can be! It took me a couple of nights to get into a better "routine" of changing, feeding and putting her back to sleep. Thursday and Friday nights were rough. We played the pacifier retrieval game most of the night and I was exhausted all day yesterday. Last night (Saturday) was much better and I am actually not a walking zombie today. She is currently napping in her swing and I've been able to get some different chores done around the house...LOVE the swing!

Friday afternoon a nurse came to the house and checked in on us and Maggie. She did a full physical assessment and said Maggie looked great. She talked to us about her continuing development and we hope to see her again each month for Maggie and Jack's RSV shots. She was really nice. Saturday morning Maggie saw the pediatrician. He reassured us she looks great and we go back for her "normal" 2-month check-up in a couple of weeks. Since we were already there and she's just about 2 months, she was given her 2-month vaccines. She took the oral one very well, and she cried after her shots in each thigh, but once I picked her up, she was fine. She was a bit fussy yesterday afternoon and evening, I'm thinking perhaps she was sore from the shots. We got her some baby Tylenol, but never ended up giving it to her. She is a happy baby again today! :)

Onto Jack. He is doing much better! He has become a lot more alert, and has been fighting with his tube. He was pretty agitated yesterday, but the lucky guy did great over night and he will be extubated today! I can't wait because I'll get to hold my little man and I think that will make both of us feel so much better. The plan is to put him on a room air with 6 liter pressure nasal cannula. Then as he continues to do well, they'll wean him down and hopefully he won't need the oxygen long at all. He is still quite puffy and has continued to need suction for secretions every 30-45 minutes. They are going to give him another round of Lasex to help with the edema and help with the rest of the fluid, and removing the tube will hopefully help as well. He is definitely on the mend, and just like Maggie we still don't (and probably won't ever) know what virus he got. Hopefully now they can both stay healthy, at least through RSV season. Maggie is confined to the house and once Jack comes home, the three of us are going to hibernate at home through the winter. We really can't risk these little ones getting sick again!

Brian and I are doing better. Traveling back and forth to the NICU with Maggie home is rough, but we are extremely lucky that Grandma and Grandpa Keller are able to come and be with Maggie. The week ended pretty hard on us, but we are extremely happy with how Jack is pulling through, and we are of course loving having little Maggie home. Soon Jack will be joining his big sister and the real fun will begin! :)

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