Friday, September 4, 2009

There will be better days ahead

The babies are both doing well. Maggie started bottle feeding today. Her first bottle was with the occupational therapist, and she did very well. She probably could have finished the bottle, but she got pretty tired and all the color drained from she was stopped and the rest went in her tube. At 9pm though, she downed her entire bottle with no trouble. She is looking better, but still a little puffy and her eyes are pretty red. I think she is starting to feel better, yet when she isn't feeling well man she gets upset. Twice I had to simply hold her close to me and just let her scream it out. She's been taking baby Tylenol to try and take the edge off, which I think helps. The consensus between doctors and nurses seems to be that she had/has viral meningitis. All of her symptoms lead towards that, and although we can't get a 100% test to confirm it, there isn't a treatment either. She is on the mend though, and that is what is more important.

Jack is doing great! He is healthy and still taking the bottle like a champ. He gets tired about half way through most of the time, but that is perfectly normal and we aren't pushing him more than what he wants to take. He didn't puke today...possibly because I went slow and stopped his bottle when he seemed to be tiring. He is still animated and he does this really funny growling thing when he is hungry. I think he thinks he is a tiger! I'll have to see if I can get it on video and post it.

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