Friday, January 8, 2010

Bad Mommy!

Luckily babies are forgiving! Maggie desperately needed her nails clipped this morning. So while her brother was happily snoozing we went upstairs and started the task. She doesn't like getting her nails clipped, in fact she doesn't really like anything that keeps her restrained. Anyhow, all was going OK until the last three fingers. She started squirming and screaming and she moved as I clipped. I got her poor little index finger right on the tip. I didn't actually "clip" skin off, but I pinched it enough to break the skin and make it bleed. The poor thing went from fussy screaming to full on screaming, and I couldn't blame her. I immediately cuddled her close and told her how sorry I was. I managed to wrap some tissue around her finger and secured it with some tape. I'll have to see if I can get a picture of her little bandage. She recovered fine, but gets this goofy look when she gets that finger in her mouth and tastes the paper and tape. Hopefully she can be bandage free after her nap. Man, today I clipped my little girl's finger and yesterday I bonked my little boy's head with a battery! :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

some mommies nibble babies fingernails, until they are old enough not to get nipped

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