Wednesday, February 3, 2010

6 more weeks of winter?!

The babies were quite grouchy yesterday, I'm convinced it is because they heard we can expect 6 more weeks of winter instead of an early Spring. They are ready for warm weather and to get out of the house! I've been trying my best to entertain the kiddos each day, as they are starting to stay awake longer between naps and have such short attention spans. They love their jumperoo, primarily because they are able to be "up" and see the room. Neither baby is rolling or sitting independently, but they are super close. Jack likes to sit and Maggie is getting used to it. I can prop them with their boppy pillows and give them toys, which keeps them happy for a little bit. Maggie is a babbling, screeching, cooing little gal. She has discovered her pacifier and likes to play with it. She has also discovered her feet, which has been fun to watch. Jack has discovered his thumb, though he gnaws more than sucks. They still aren't sleeping consistently through the night. Jack will typically sleep an 8 hour stretch (which is awesome!), he gets a quick bottle and then will sleep another 4 hours, to get his total 12 hours. Maggie is still doing mostly a 6 hour stretch (still not bad), a bottle and then either another 6 hours or sometimes she wakes 3 hours in and needs to be patted back to sleep. We'll see if adding some food into their diet works, once we get the OK about their digestive system.

Aside from all that is baby, Brian and I have been watching the TV show Lost. We've watched season 1 and are in the beginning of season 2. It is certainly a different type of show, but we're enjoying it and it works with our nights because we can pause and watch it at our own pace. Charlotte and I have been enjoying our season tickets to the Aronoff. We saw White Christmas just before the holidays. And a couple of weeks ago we saw Spring Awakening, which was a good show, but certainly provocative. The music was very good and it was different seeing a less "showy" type of musical. We are seeing a bonus show Saturday with cousin Angela. It's Cats and I couldn't be more excited!

Jack & Maggie sitting together

Little man

Maggie looking at her singing polar bear


Granny said...

I LOVE these Babies and their Grandpa too!

Unknown said...

This is the cutest video in the world! I think I could watch this all day.

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