It amazes me every day how much the babies are growing and changing.
Jack is my sweetheart baby. He will smile and laugh at just about anything. He is getting stronger at sitting, I can prop him with a boppy and he will sit in front of his toys for quite a while. He is still learning the whole rolling thing, and seems interested in the idea of crawling. I can see him taking off once he gets it down. He has started learning how to give kisses, like his sister, and when I pick him up I get true hugs. At night Jack loves his bath! He is a good sleeper, often sleeping 6-8 hours with a quick bottle and then another 4-6 hours. He pretty much always needs his full 12 hours. Jack likes baby food, but isn't too sure about the meats yet. He also likes sitting in his bumbo seat, on top of the table or island, and staring at us. My favorite time of day with Jack is right after he wakes, whether first thing in the morning or after a nap. He is so cuddly and happy!
Jack 7 Months Old
Maggie is my spunky, princess. She can be the sweetest little gal, but watch out for her temper! :) Though she doesn't laugh at just anything, she can smile big and wide. Recently she's been smiling so big she stinks her tongue out and lifts her legs with such excitement. Speaking of legs, she has definitely found her feet and loves to lay on the floor and grab at her toes. She also likes to do this when getting her diaper changed. She just recently started rolling a lot. She can roll onto her belly, but once there hasn't figured out what to do. I have a sneaky suspicion that once she figures the mobility thing out, she will be taking off! Maggie still would rather stand more than anything else, and she has even started learning how to hold onto furniture while standing. We're still working on sitting with the little miss, she's much too "on-the-go" to be interested. Maggie likes to give kisses on cheeks and has started pulling hair to get a face closer to hers. My favorite time of day with Maggie is bath time. Every night I lay her down on the bath mat in front of the tub while Jack gets his bath and she will play with her feet, sing, babble and just have a blast...just on the bath mat. Then when it is her turn, she is just the happiest little girl!
Maggie 7 Months Old
Both babies are biting and gnawing on fingers like crazy! They have quite a bite and I'm thinking there will be a tooth popping through any day now! We've started some baby foods. Jack is much more interested, but recently Maggie has started showing interest. They really like apple sauce, sweet potatoes and cereal. We tried chicken, but they were both very disinterested. Maggie actually gagged! A couple nights ago they tried carrots and seemed to enjoy them.
I'm so curious to see what they will be doing next month!
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