Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You wanna piece of me?

Dr. Fu did. I had a flat mole removed from my back Monday. First thing that morning Charlotte met up with the kids and I and they got their vaccine booster shots. They were so well behaved. It was snowing like crazy and they were happy as could be the whole drive to their grandparent's house. I was able to get an earlier appointment for my "surgery", and I was sore, but OK afterward. We ended up getting nearly a foot of snow in total from the big snow storm. It was nice to be with Jeff and Charlotte with the kiddos and watch the snow pile get bigger and bigger. We had a nice time. My back is healing up fine, tender at times and I need to stop trying to do everything, because I can definitely tell when I've over done it. Last night was another RSV round. Jack weighed 15 lbs. and Maggie 12lbs. My little preemies are turning into such big babies! Still no crawling or sitting, but they are getting much stronger and Jack will probably be crawling within the next month or so. Maggie might skip crawling and go straight to running. Due to bad weather their high risk appointment was rescheduled, so next week we'll get another full assessment on them and start talking about baby food!! The munchkins are currently napping, Brian is working from home, Wilma is off at the groomers and I'm getting things straightened up around the house. The Hennings family is coming to visit. Grandpa Ron, Grandma Shannon and Aunt Danielle will be here later this afternoon and we are all so excited to see them. They haven't met the babies yet!

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