Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My 1st Mother's Day!

I enjoyed a nice Mother's Day at home with my family. Along with my 1st Mother's Day came the babies' 1st tooth! They both have a little fang poking through on the bottom row and I'm looking forward to seeing their toothless grin (which I absolutely love) transform into a single tooth grin. Unfortunately the tooth coming in has also meant quite the fussiness in our house the past week or so. Jack is now rolling everywhere along with Maggie. Both have started pulling themselves up into a crawling position, and Jack has figured out how to scoot forward on his bottom. Each of their personalities have really come out, especially when they interact with one another and other kids. We've been hanging out with the Vine family a couple of houses down the street. They have the cutest kids, Audra and Deigan. Jack and Maggie have really opened up to them and especially Jack lights up when they walk up to him and say "Hi baby!". It is so cute! Hard to believe- this was a year ago today!

The kids and Brian had these gorgeous roses and yummy candy delivered to me for Mother's Day!

I made hummingbird cake for dinner with Brian's parents. Yummy!

1 comment:

Cb said...

The cake was VERY tasty! We asked for pieces to take home with us, yet for some reason we ended up empty handed. Alas!

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