Monday, May 11, 2009

20 Weeks- Halfway there

So I'm half way there...or more than half way if the twins factor is taken into account. :) I've been feeling great and actually had enough energy after work today to walk Wilma around the block and then paint the baseboards in the kitchen. Now I've eaten dinner and I'm thinking ice cream sounds delicious! Oh- my appetite has kicked in too.

Here is my 20 week belly:

Please excuse my "appearance" this is after all the walking and painting and dinner and I'm settled in for the night.

We met up with the Downing and Wessel families for dinner. It was a nice grill out hosted by Jack and Sarah and afterwards we enjoyed some social time around a nice bonfire. We were up very late, and ended up sleeping in Sunday. Brian took me to breakfast for Mother's Day and then we did some light shopping and had dinner with Brian's parents. It was a wonderful "1st" Mother's Day. I can't wait until next year when I'll have two babies to celebrate the day with! While out shopping we picked out the babies nursery bedding sets:

Carebears & Looney Tunes

So once we get the kitchen finished- soon, so soon- we are going to move onto decorating the nursery! :) Speaking of babies- according to my weekly e-mail updates the babies are the size of 10.5 ounce cantaloupe. Which sounds HUGE to me, but I do love cantaloupe. :)

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