Monday, April 30, 2012

Circus Time

This past weekend Jack & Maggie were treated to the Circus with Mommy, Daddy & Gee!  We weren't sure what they were going to think about it.  Our seats were awesome, front row and in the center!  When it first started they just sat in awe, the loud music and lights were pretty exciting.  As the show went on and especially as we got closer to intermission I could tell their interest was diminishing and they were getting antsy.  The show started at 11am and didn't end until just after 1pm, so it was a long time in one place for their toddler bodies, but all in all they did really well and seemed to have a good time!  Thanks Gee!!

Tree Men

For art last week we made Tree Men!  Really it was just a cut out of a tree top inserted into a toilet paper roll.  I let the kids color and then we gave them googly eyes.  They had a lot of fun playing with their Tree Men!

Then we pretended to be Dr. Jack

and Dr. Maggie

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Teething nightmare: round 2

Maggie has been somewhat of a handful the past couple of weeks. Added to that she has been battling some pretty bad diaper rashes recently. Needless to say, she has seemed quite simply to be possessed by something evil. Tonight after weeks of complaining her mouth hurts, she actually showed me and said it is her teeth that really hurt. Low and behold, I can see the very white in her gums of her two year molars! Jack shows no signs...which is either good or bad. When they were babies it was sometimes nice for them to go through their "troubles" together, so it would wrap up and be done with together. Seeing as Brady has been teething forever with no teeth yet cutting through and Maggie seems to have just started this fun stage, I am completely content letting Jack stay far away from this messy business.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Impromptu picnic

Quesadillas and chips on our picnic blanket while watching Toy Story!

Firefighters to the rescue

Really they are watering the new baby grass, but Jack & Maggie decided it sounds much cooler to pretend they are putting out a fire with their fire hose. Thank you Bubble Guppies!

Fire chief Maggie

Fire chief Jack

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