Friday, August 28, 2009

What a ham!

Maggie had her hospital pictures taken earlier this week, and she loved it!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Guess who's coming home Friday...

Maggie!!!!! I can't wait. I'm so excited to have her home and sleeping in her crib. She'll be wire free, able move around the house with me, play with her toys she has waiting for her, cuddle with her mommy and daddy freely...everything! She had her feeding tube removed over the weekend and her cute little button nose is all free. She's been taking her bottle like a champ. She isn't as interested over night, which might be a nice thing for when she gets home. We'll still try to feed her every 3 hours when she gets home, but eventually if she wants to she will be to sleep through one feeding. I'm curious what Wilma is going to think of her... Yesterday Maggie had her hospital photo shoot and she was such a ham for the camera! She was seriously all smiles, hugging her teddy, and just completely content. She never fussed and all her posing made her pretty hungry. Afterward downed her bottle before settling in for a good nap. The pictures should be on-line in a couple of days at

Jack isn't ready to come home, and although it breaks my heart knowing I'm going to be leaving my little man alone at the hospital, I know it is better than trying to rush him home. He is still struggling with his bottle. He is eager to suck, but can't get the swallowing and breathing down. He has also been refluxing, even when tube feeding, and sometimes it causes his stats to go down. They changed his tube about a week ago to a larger size and I think that the milk was emptying into his belly too quickly and increasing his reflux issue. They changed his tube back to the smaller one last night, and I'm hoping that helps. As for the bottle, he has been taking about 15-20ml but we only try it a couple of times a day because of how he has been doing. He isn't completely showing all the feeding cues yet, so we're just waiting for him to tell us he is ready. He is still my all grins, big blues eyes cuddle bug!

Jack and Maggie have become much more aware of each other in the last week. They suck on each other's fingers, gravitate towards each other when they sleep and really like being together. It makes it harder to know Maggie won't be next to Jack anymore, but Jack is going to be extra spoiled by the nurses when he is alone...and I know he will get tons of cuddles.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Let the feeding games begin

As is common with preemies, we seemed to have taken 3 steps forward, 2 steps back and then another 3 steps forward. Last week was a frustrating feeding week. We couldn't get either baby to take a bottle very well. Maggie went from taking almost 80% of her feeds by bottle, to dropping down to less than 30%. Jack would barely take 10%. I could tell the poor things were miserable when trying to suck and swallow and that something was really bothering their poor throats. So we backed off a bit, and it seemed to have done the trick. Maggie woke up Friday morning and decided she liked the bottle idea. She is nearly at 100% now and if she continues to do well her feeding tube may come out in a couple of days. Jack is doing great too! He has been able to re-learn pacing himself and is taking in a good amount given his struggle. Neither are showing signs of stress, which makes me so relieved. Jack is still refluxing, but that is something we will just have to work through- it is the "preemie thing" and he will hopefully grow out of it.

Other than the feeding games, everything else is fairly normal. Both continue to gain great amounts of weight. Last night Jack weighed 5lbs 8oz and Maggie 4lbs 13oz. Jack is also getting longer, nearly stretching past preemie clothes. They definitely have little personalities that we love to watch and enjoy. In recent days they've been touching and cooing at one another, which is so cute!

Today is my long awaited family baby shower. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and celebrating the babies. While I'm gone Brian is going to do some much needed relaxing. :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

1 Month Old!

Happy 1 Month Birthday Maggie and Jack! A month ago today my life changed forever, and I can't even imagine it any different. The babies were great today. Jack is 5lbs 4oz and Maggie is 4lbs 6oz. Maggie is double her birth weight.

Jack is still struggling with bottle feeding and reflux issues, so he has been put onto a pump feeding to try and help give his little body a break. The pump pushes his feeds over a 30 minute period of time and helps keep the air out and relieve any reflux he might be experiencing. He is also spending some time hanging out in a boppy after he feeds, to keep him sitting up...again for the reflux. The idea at this point is that he is just still young and his sphinxer needs time to mature.

Maggie is now taking her entire bottle. She is slow and steady with it, and doesn't have any reflux or breathing issues. When Daddy tries to feed her she gets too comfortable and goes to sleep, so I've been feeding her. (I think she and Daddy came up with a convenient plan...) Occasionally half way through her feedings she stops and takes a breather, and lets out the biggest belch from such a small little lady. I love it!

There has been some talk recently of Maggie coming home sooner than Jack since she is progressing with her feeds. We aren't exactly keen on this, but we know that should Jack stay behind it would be for the best. I certainly don't want to bring my baby boy home if he is still turning blue every time I feed him. For now we are just sticking to our one day at a time plan and we'll see what happens.

Jack 1 Month Old

Maggie 1 Month Old

Maggie and Daddy

Jack and Maggie 1 Month Old

Friday, August 14, 2009

4 Weeks Old!

And let the feeding games begin! This week has been great for the babies and their parents, and then...also stressful. Maggie has taken to bottle feeding like a champ. She is fantastic at pacing herself, and has learned to suck, swallow and breath just like she needs to. Jack is a bit further behind. He definitely has the desire, in fact his sucking is much stronger than Maggie's, but he isn't quite grasping the breathing part. I'm able to help him pace and he does OK. The worst part is that he is having these breathing episodes where his 02 level really drops and he loses his color and goes blue! The first time scared us quite a bit, and now we are always watching for it. I can almost hear when he is going to have the trouble, which is good for when he is feeding. He is also having some reflux and air valve type of problem, where he simply just can't breath. In time he should grow out of this.

Both babies are now off their caffeine and continue to gain weight. Maggie is 4lbs 2oz and Jack is 5lbs 2oz. It still amazes me how much of a difference that 1lb makes. When we hold one and then the other, we can really "feel" the difference. They already look so different to me!

For now we are just continuing to work with them on their feedings and hopefully they will gradually get stronger and begin to start taking oral feeds all of the time. Right now neither is able to finish a bottle and the rest ends up down their nasal tube, but they are still only 33 weeks in gestational age, so they are ahead of the curve in preemie terms. Our kids are so smart! :)

And finally, some pictures.

Feeding time

And 4 weeks ago:



Sunday, August 9, 2009

A day of firsts

It was a good day. The doctor called from the NICU early this afternoon and let us know that the babies were showing signs of being ready to oral feed. So we got to take part in their first introduction to a bottle. Maggie went first, and did great. She has been showing signs of hunger and rooting for a while now and likes to use her pacifier, so we could tell she was pretty eager. She was able to suck and swallow 12ml from the bottle, which is a lot for our little lady. After the 12ml she tuckered out, which is normal for preemies, and the 20ml left was given through her tube. Jack wasn't as eager to learn the new bottle method. He only took in 2ml from the bottle, but he might just need some more time to get used to the idea. We watched the nurse for the first feeding and then tried it ourselves for the second feeding. Unfortunately Maggie was still too tired and Jack still wasn't interested, so there was no success, but we'll keep working with them 1-2 times a day and they'll catch on soon enough.

Tomorrow both babies are being checked out by occupational therapy and I am going to try breast feeding them both. I'm hoping since they've both been pretty good about latching that they take to breastfeeding. It sure would be nice not to pump ALL the time. :)

We've both become much more active in the babies' care, which has been nice for us. They are wearing preemie clothes now and every time we are there we try to do as much with them as we can. We are definitely more comfortable than 3 weeks ago! This evening both babies got baths and I got to give Maggie her bath! Luckily both babies are OK with baths, not completely happy with the naked and wet part, but certainly not inconsolable.

Jack snuggled in for bed

Maggie snuggled in for bed

Maggie staring at Mommy through the crib

The babies

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Our "first" baby is home!!!

Wilma is home! Tuesday night after work Brian stopped and picked up our puppy dog and she is home. I wasn't feeling very well that day, and having her home made me feel so much better. And she must have brought a cure, because I'm feeling tons better now. She's transitioned back home well. Since Aunt Lisa was walking her with her new BFF Bella, I've tried to continue to do so. I walked her once in the morning and once in the afternoon yesterday, and we're going to head out on a walk in a couple of hours this morning. I'm going to try and walk her at least once, if not twice every day. Weather permitting. Once the babies come home it will be nice because I can bundle them in their stroller and take them out with her.

Last nights visit with the babies was nice. We got there on time for once for their 7:30 care. Maggie was in the middle of getting a scrub down. Not a bath, more like a sponge bath. She didn't like being all naked and cold, but once she was bundled she was so content! My amazing babies are growing so fast. Jack is 4lbs 2 oz! He looks so much like his daddy. He has his cute, chunky cheeks, his nose, his dimple below his lower lip, his lack of upper lip and his chin. Maggie is 3lbs 7oz! She is more of a mommy and daddy combination, but I swear she changed over night! Her little face is filling out and she has cute little puffy cheeks now. Her features are a little more like mine, my nose, chin, and forehead. I think she is going to have her daddy's cheeks and dimples. The babies still look alike, but we are noticing differences more each day. They definitely have the same eyes and smiles. :)

Today I woke up nice and easy, and early. First I woke at 2:30am (my body must be getting used to this middle of the night thing), but yesterday my doctor gave me the OK to skip my midnight pumping, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. Then I was back awake at 5:30am...and I'm officially up now. I'll probably try to nap for a bit, then I'm going to try and start cleaning up the mess that is our dining room. All the gifts and baby stuff we accumulated while I was in the hospital has been temporarily dumped there, and it needs to be addressed. I ordered the nursery changing table and the glider is supposed to be delivered hopefully tomorrow and through this weekend I can get the nursery organized and put together.

For now, I think I'll cuddle up with my baby dog and grab a quick nap.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back together again!

Yesterday Jack & Maggie had an exciting move. They have held their temperatures and were moved to an open air crib.

Unfortunately, I'm not having as great a day. I'm sick. I think I have a cold, I feel horrid all over. :( I saw the babies last night, I had to wear a mask and was nervous to get close to them. The nurses reassured me, and I felt better once they were in my arms. Today I've stayed home and I am going to see them tonight with Brian after work and dinner. I hope I start getting better soon, being sick just isn't what I need right now.

Grandpa Jeff went and visited with the babies this morning and sent me these pictures, which made me smile.

Maggie wide awake while Jack sleeps

Maggie smiling at Grandpa

The babies all wrapped up for a nice nap. The little blankets over their heads are something I held onto while I was in the hospital so they have my scent.

Each are continuing to have their feeds increased and tolerating it very well. Jack is close to 4 lbs and Maggie is just over 3 lbs, which is absolutely amazing! I'm still really eager to get my babies home with me, but I know they still have another few weeks to go. For now, once I'm healthy, I'm going to focus on getting their nursery ready for them. :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy 27th Birthday to Me!

I turned 27 today, and it was a great Birthday! Brian and I both slept in, though I still had to get up and pump. We had breakfast together, enjoyed some quiet morning time and then started our day. We spent the afternoon with the babies. It was a great day for them too.

Both are now free of oxygen tubes and their isolate temperatures have been lowered to the same as the room. They are wearing these cute t-shirts and as long as they continue to hold their body temperature on their own- they will come out of the isolates and go into open air cribs in 24-48 hours! Not only is that great for us, because we'll be able to hold and get to them with more ease, but then they will be in a crib together- they've not been together since they were born. Both Jack and Maggie have started learning how to latch on for breastfeeding and I'm hoping in another week or two they will be able to start actual breastfeeding, which would mean eventually they can lose their nasal feeding tube and be completely free of tubes! My little beans are growing so much and getting stronger each day!



After spending the day with the babies we met up with Brian's parents for dinner at PF Chang's. It was yummy, and I enjoyed sharing dessert...this huge chocolate cake.

And of course, I got presents. I got a scrapbook organizer from my parents, a gift certificate to Mitchell's Salon from my great friends Chad and Erin, and cards from my many wonderful friends and family. Brian and the babies got me a under cabinet mount LCD TV for the kitchen. It is awesome and I can't wait to get it installed. It tilts, plays DVD and CD, has an HD receiver, wireless remote and we can hook it up to cable! Another super cool gift was from my in-laws, season tickets to this years musicals at the Aranoff. Among the season is Legally Blonde, Spring Awakening and Mary Poppins! I'm super excited, my mother-in-law and I are going to have so much fun!!

This Birthday has been awesome, and I can't believe how different from last year. I'm a Mommy this year! :)

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