Saturday, January 23, 2010

Best wakeup call ever!

This morning at 8:30am I awoke to Maggie singing. I walked in and she and Jack were wide awake playing in their cribs. I turned on the light and they both gave me huge smiles! It was the best way to start the day.

Maggie is still napping in her swing, but for the last 20 minutes Jack has been wide awake simply enjoying his swing and chewing on his fingers. Ooops, now he is fussing... how quickly things change around here. :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dream come true

A year ago today we learned that I was pregnant! I can still remember the moment we found out. I had to work that day, as did Brian. I took an early lunch and had my blood drawn at IRH. It was hard to focus the rest of the morning and afternoon, just knowing I was going to be getting a call that would change our lives forever. Paul from work showed me how to work the 3-way calling on my phone (thanks Paul!) and then the call came. I immediately conferenced Brian in and then we got the news... "You are pregnant!". It was amazing to hear after all the tests, needles, ultrasounds and appointments. Finally we were getting our dream come true.

Little did we know a couple of weeks later we'd find two little heartbeats! :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

6 Months!!!!

It is so hard to believe, half a year has come and gone since they were born! Jack and Maggie are 6 months old! They are really changing every day! Grandma Charlotte went with us to their 6-month well baby appointment and the kids behaved very good for the doctor.

Jack & Maggie 6 Months Old

Maggie is getting so big, yet still looks so small! She weighs in at 12lbs even and is 23 1/4" long. Her weight, length and head circumference are all growing right on target, for her adjusted age. I don't know that she will ever technically be on the "charts", she is simply petite. :) She has fully discovered her voice and loves to sing, yell, talk and babble all day long. Recently she has really started noticing faces. She smiles and coos at faces a lot, in addition she is starting to laugh and squeal. Her fits have seemed to subside a bit. I can tell pretty easily when she is starting to fuss and as long as I get to her quick enough I can usually help her calm down. She takes to naps and going to bed a lot better now, which is also helped by her love of the pacifier. Oh- and she lights up with delight at her gloworm.

Maggie 6 Months Old
Here you can see her stubborn sitting behavior, she'd rather slouch

Jack is growing big and strong, and really starting to fill out. He is still significantly bigger than Maggie, but the difference isn't as dramatic anymore. He weighs in at 13lbs 13oz and is 23 3/4" long. He is a lot closer to his actual age on the charts. The doctor made a comment about him being stocky and that he'll grow out of it. I just laughed, because the doctor hasn't seen Jack's Daddy or Grandpa Ron! The day we went to the doctor Jack learned to roll from his back to his tummy. He did it twice at home and then two more times on the table for the doctor. He loved it and seemed to know what he was doing. Of course he hasn't done it since. He is still cooing and saying "gee" and "kee" a lot! He has recently learned peek-a-boo with me and thinks the game is pretty hilarious. He definitely isn't a pacifier baby, which makes nap and bed time a bit more of a challenge, but he responds well to a couple of lullabies. Anything soft or squishy, he loves to play with and he can be quite the cuddle bug.

Jack 6 Months Old
He has recently started "playing" with his tongue

Both kiddos are rolling onto their sides, it will be no time before they are rolling all over the house. They've started learning how to play independently and with one another, I can give them toys and they are content alone for well into 15 minutes. They are both starting to "enjoy" tummy time, Maggie rolls a lot more than Jack, but they don't screech anymore at the start. The doctor and therapist have stressed to us the importance that we start getting them to sit more, which is a challenge. Jack is more interested in the idea, and he does like his bumbo. Maggie however hates the idea of sitting. I trick her into it by sitting her on my knee and bouncing and then moving her onto the floor. She really just wants to stand! So instead of tummy torture time, we are going to start having bottom torture time. The doctor also said it was time to stop swaddling the babies for bed and he introduced us to the Ferber method for sleeping. We've tried it twice and had BIG epic fails! Maggie is OK with the concept, but isn't quite there yet with the swaddling. She understands when she is swaddled that it is time to sleep, and un-swaddled she thinks it is time to either play or she fusses because she is tired but doesn't know what to do. Jack- oh boy! Jack needs to be swaddled, like his sister, to know that it is OK and time to sleep. However, he doesn't like being put to sleep, swaddled or not. He will whine, cry and sometimes scream. Both nights I tried to put him to bed without the swaddle and he just screamed and fussed forever. Then I wrapped him and he seriously crashed within 5-10 minutes of simple soothing. So...we are going to continue our old routine for a little while longer and see how they are in a few more weeks. As for sleeping through the night, it's getting better. Both kids typically will sleep at least 6 hours and then either another two sets of 3 or another 6 hour stretch. They definitely need 12 hours total before it is time to wake up and play. The doctor said we shouldn't feed them when they wake if it is before 8-10 hours of sleep...but especially with Jack, they need to be fed. So that is another thing we are going to table for later.

Fortunately, like right now, the babies are pretty good about their naps. They take a morning nap in their swings, an afternoon nap in their cribs and then a later (shorter) afternoon nap in their swings. In a couple of weeks I'm going to start doing another nap in their cribs, I haven't decided which one. And then eventually all naps will be in cribs unless we're traveling.

All in all I feel like we are figuring out this parenting thing. Some days are certainly easier than others, heck some hours are easier than others within a single day. The best part is when I go in to get someone out of their crib or when I walk into the room, I get the brightest, happiest smile in the whole world and there is seriously nothing better. I never knew a grin could seriously span from ear to ear and that a chuckle could sound so sweet! It makes me so happy to be their mommy every time!

Maggie started here

And then within a couple of minutes she had inched her way over next to Jack

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The babies officially have an obscene amount of books!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New adventures

We had a fun Saturday, with lots of new adventures. Because of the big snow storm that swept through Thursday, the babies didn't go to their grandparent's house. So instead they stayed Friday night and got to spend Saturday with them! This afternoon Gramps was asking about cereal for the babies and I told him if he wanted to run to the store and buy some, we could try it out. Of course he jumped right into his car and off to the store. Maggie wasn't really that interested, which wasn't much of a surprise. Jack on the other hand thought it was pretty neat and took in a decent amount. The kids see the pediatrician in a week, so we'll definitely have to discuss adding cereal to their daily diet.

So after the cereal adventure of 2010 and big naps we all said goodbye and thank you to Gramps and Granny, and headed to the Downing's for a visit. This was the babies first play date, and they had a good time. Alexis is a sweet little girl, and she thought Jack and Maggie were pretty neat. It's so strange the size difference between Alexis and Jack. Maggie doesn't even compare, she is tiny sometimes even next to her brother. Alexis is a rolling machine...I'm hoping it inspired something within Jack and Maggie. We hung out for a little while, played and chatted and it was nice getting to see them.

When we got the babies home they each took their bottles and crashed, it was an eventful day! Brian and the kids are upstairs snoozing and I'm downstairs wide awake. I tried to get some sleep, but for some reason I'm not tired. Figures, right?

And some pictures from earlier in the week

The babies in their snow suits (thanks Aunt Katie, Uncle Ted, Aunt Patty & Uncle Mark!)

Jack (looks like an Ewok from Star Wars)


Jack can stand like his sister!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bad Mommy!

Luckily babies are forgiving! Maggie desperately needed her nails clipped this morning. So while her brother was happily snoozing we went upstairs and started the task. She doesn't like getting her nails clipped, in fact she doesn't really like anything that keeps her restrained. Anyhow, all was going OK until the last three fingers. She started squirming and screaming and she moved as I clipped. I got her poor little index finger right on the tip. I didn't actually "clip" skin off, but I pinched it enough to break the skin and make it bleed. The poor thing went from fussy screaming to full on screaming, and I couldn't blame her. I immediately cuddled her close and told her how sorry I was. I managed to wrap some tissue around her finger and secured it with some tape. I'll have to see if I can get a picture of her little bandage. She recovered fine, but gets this goofy look when she gets that finger in her mouth and tastes the paper and tape. Hopefully she can be bandage free after her nap. Man, today I clipped my little girl's finger and yesterday I bonked my little boy's head with a battery! :(

Thursday, January 7, 2010


During their nap, the batteries in Jack's swing died. So I swiftly began removing the dead batteries to replace with new ones. As I pried the battery out...I dropped it on his HEAD! It wasn't that far of a fall, but I know it knocked him good. I felt so bad...he opened his eyes and then let out a scream. I think he was more shocked than actually injured. I immediately started to console him and when the swing started to rock he rolled his head over and fell back to sleep. I've been watching his poor noggin to make sure I didn't give him a welt, but it looks OK, not even a red mark. Mommy is so sorry baby boy!

There is a winter storm passing right over us right now. I'm staying put with the kids, warm and safe. As long as the roads are OK tomorrow they will go to see their grandparents. I hate the idea of driving around in bad weather with them. It is very pretty outside with all the fresh snow on the trees and ground, but rush hour tonight is going to be rough and I just hope Brian can get out of work and home to us swiftly and safely. He is still waiting on word for an early end to his day. Everyone out there driving tonight, be safe!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Today is my first official day as a SAHMoM (Stay-at-home-Mom-of-Multiples). It's a different type of job, but so rewarding. The kiddos didn't sleep very well last night, but they both woke in great moods and are now taking their second nap without any fuss. I'm learning how to help them play and keep occupied as they are starting to stay awake a lot longer. I think I'm also learning how to read when they are "pooping" out and need to be put down for a nap before they get too angry and then can't sleep. Since they've been sleeping soundly for 15 minutes now, I'm going to sneak in a quick shower. It's a great Monday when I can get a shower before Brian gets home. :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Just another weekend

Jack & Maggie before we put on our jackets and headed out

Maggie's tail, her shirt has "Meow" all over (thanks for the cute outfit Laura!)

They are getting really good at tummy time, and rolling

Friday, January 1, 2010

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!

Happy New Year! Is it twenty-ten, two thousand & ten, twenty-ott, or what? Either way, here's to an exciting year! 2009 was so eventful and will always be remembered! It's hard to believe we started the year preparing with IRH and ended the year falling asleep from exhaustion, before the ball even dropped. The kiddos spent New Year's Eve with their wonderful grandparents, while Brian and I watched a couple of movies and really got refreshed! Jack decided to end 2009 on a great note...he slept through the night not only for Mommy & Daddy Wednesday night, but also for Grandma & Grandpa Thursday night!! Maggie slept through the night Wednesday as well, and then only woke once for a quick bottle Thursday. We're hoping this is a new trend for 2010! Another new thing, both babies have become rather clingy. They don't want to be put down or left alone. They'll play on their mats or with toys for a little while, but prefer constant attention. They are starting to nap less and stay awake longer, which is fine except for when they get fussy and I run out of ways to entertain them together. Nighttime baths and bottles seems to be helping. I think we're turning a slow corner, although we have teething to look forward to. :)

I'm excited to see what 2010 has to hold for us. It's hard to imagine the babies are coming on 6 months! Soon we'll have teeth, crawling, baby food, walking, and they'll be 1 before we know it!

Happy New Year to all of our friends and family! We love you all so much and can't wait to share all the joys of 2010!

New Year's Eve trying to get ready for Grandma & Grandpa

Jack was patting her head...perhaps trying to calm her down, she wasn't having any of it

Maggie's newest trick...

She can stand on her own! (well, with the chair's "assistance")

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