Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Sometimes I feel like the zoo has taken over the zoo keeper. Control is a big struggle lately. I'm often reminding myself to control my temper, my emotions and then I have to also remember to release some control. I know they are learning, exploring and figuring out this big world. So sometimes that means they might not be the cleanest eaters at the table, the neatest bathers, or the most careful with their toys. As a stay at home mom, I feel like I should have control over the household. The laundry shouldn't pile up, no dishes in the sink, no the dirt on the floor. But I have to remember, instead of having the cleanest house, the neatest children, the perfect world...I need to stop and savor this time. I need to lose control and act crazy along with them. I need to loosen the reins and let them splash a little. I need to simply sit and watch them grow, learn, smile, laugh and love being children. I blink and they grow...so fast!

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