Thursday, January 20, 2011

18 Months!!

*note- Maggie was sick on her 18 month Birthday. Poor thing looks miserable in this picture and just wanted me to put the camera down and hold her!

I'm finally getting this babies are 18 months and no longer babies!! They are toddlers, and have officially entered the toddler phase. Here are their stats and some updates on all of their newest and greatest!

Maggie- 18lbs. 4oz. and 30 1/4"

Don't let her petite frame fool you, she makes up for it with a full spirit! Goodness, what isn't Maggie doing anymore. She climbs everything! Onto the dining room table, onto the couch, up onto the toy bins to get to the top of the toy cabinet, onto any chair, and just yesterday...she learned how to LEAP out of Jack's crib! She is talking more and more almost each day. She enjoys repeating words and asking "what this?" constantly. She has begun to start playing with her toys, and starting to understand the "pretend" play. Her newest fascination is body parts (eyes, ears, nose, etc.) and clothes or shoes. She will pick up an item and try to either put it on herself or another person. She recognizes a lot more too, and seems to surprise us by what she knows quite often. We can give her simple commands and she can follow through, which is pretty fun to watch. Unfortunately, (or fortunately) Maggie is also strong-willed. She knows how to throw a fit and tries to get what she wants by doing just that. We're trying time out, but she hasn't seemed to pick up on it yet. Some of her common words Mama, Dada, dog or Wilma, mil (we're still working on the "k" to make it milk), all done, bye-bye, bed, night-night, shoe, eyes, head, hair, and on and on and on... :)

Daddy got us this really big Care Bear during one of his book shopping trips!


Wearing Mama's boots

Jack- 10lbs. 4oz & 30"

He is our active man! Seriously I don't think he stops moving from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to sleep- and even then he moves around in his sleep! He is still our sweet little cuddle bug. He has learned to hug like his sister and gives the sweetest hugs at the most random of moments. He has also recently learned to throw! It started with balls, and has moved onto anything he is holding. And he is getting pretty good at it too! He loves to be chased, especially by Maggie. And with that, he also enjoys playing peek-a-boo. He seems to be doing better with the fits, but he is still having a hard time being left alone to play. If we leave the room to do something, he will get rather upset. Along with that, whenever we try to tell him no or use time out, he just sits and laughs or smiles at us, which makes the whole process that much harder. His vocabulary isn't as far reaching as his sister, but he is certainly doing better. Some of his words are Mama, Dada, doggy, bye-bye, mil (just like Maggie) and ball.

Gimme that camera!


Jack was happy to turn 18 months!!

Both kiddos have struggled with an awful cold this winter and cross our fingers, they are finally both healthy again. Their routine has returned to normal and the bed-time return has leveled back to normal. I love coming home and their greeting me at the gate downstairs. Often Jack beats Maggie to the gate and just stands there grinning from ear to ear, stomping his feet in anticipation of my coming down to say hi. Then Maggie demands a big hug and kiss. It is probably one of my favorite parts of the entire day!

We are trying to start using utensils. It works really well for pudding! :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Gimme them glasses!

What happens at Granny & Poppy's...

"The other night the first kid readied for the tub peed all over the bathroom floor. Me & Granny put him in, then started cleaning up the puddle. Maggie got tired of waiting around..."

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas 2010

We had a wonderful Christmas this year!

Christmas Eve we went to Grandma & Grandpa's house to open presents.

Then headed to the Korzep house for dinner and more presents! Maggie was very into the present opening concept, whereas Jack was more interested in the paper and boxes.

The one and only family photo we took.

Uncle Ted & Aunt Katie have a riding horse at their house...and Maggie loved riding it!

Christmas morning we had our own family Christmas, just the 4 of us.

Jack & Maggie got a kitchen with food for Christmas!

Then later in the day we went to the Russell home for Christmas with the family. It was a nice holiday!

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