Monday, November 30, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things

Fischer Price 2-in-1 Projection Mobile




Boppy pillows

Receiving blankets

Pacifiers...though addiction is dangerous

Car rides




Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am Thankful for...
the health of my family and friends.
my babies being home.
everything this year has brought me, both the ups and downs, because without the downs I wouldn't appreciate the ups.
our Fischer Price projector mobile. (it helps the babies go to dreamland!)
all the love and support we have received this year.

To all my friends and family, I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

4 Months Old

The babies actually turned 4 Months this past Tuesday, but it has been quite the crazy and busy week and I'm only now able to get to posting. The pictures were taken this morning, so just a few days late. :)

On their 4 Month birthday the babies had a pediatrician visit. They are both doing very well. Jack weighed 11lbs 7oz and Maggie weighed 9lbs 10oz. They are both moving along developmentally well, they are a bit behind in their chronological age with rolling over and grabbing things, but that is to be expected with preemies and they are actually very smart given their true age. Jack is officially off his feeding tube. He is feeding completely on his own and doing great! It has been such a relief and really makes life a lot easier. At their visit they also got their 4 month vaccines. Jack took his shots pretty well, needed a little bit of comfort and then was fine. Maggie had a meltdown and made her poor mom tear up! Later that afternoon they napped very well at Grandpa's house, but when they woke from their nap they were both miserable. I should have given them Tylenol before their shots, and it was a pretty bad scream fest for about 3 hours! They were both pretty inconsolable, but once their Tylenol finally started to work it calmed them down and they were able to rest better. I think Maggie took more of a hit from the vaccines, she was still unhappy the next day. They are both all better now though, and I now know better to give them the Tylenol ahead of time.

Thursday night Charlotte and I saw "White Christmas" at the Aronoff. It was the first show of our season tickets for this year. The show was good, kind of corny, but we had a good time. Friday afternoon and yesterday the babies got to spend time with their Uncle Dan. He got to see them playful...and screaming. :)

Next weekend we are having the babies pictures taken at the house. Our365 is coming out for a free photo session and we'll get a free 5x7. I'm hoping the babies are in good moods and we can get some good pictures of them. I've been wanting to get family photos taken, but I think we are going to just do this session and then next year we'll get official family pictures. We'll see how next weekend goes first. :)

The babies are really becoming little human beings. They actually play, laugh and smile at us, have starting really cooing and I think I'm starting to distinguish their crying. They sleep very well, which is a blessing! It is still a lot of work with the two of them, especially if they are both awake and cranky, but it is slowly getting easier and each day they amaze me with their big eyes and smiles!

Jack 4 Months Old

Maggie 4 Months Old

Jack & Maggie 4 Months Old

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tube? What tube?

Lots has happened recently with the kiddos. Friday early morning Jack pulled his feeding tube at grandma and grandpa's house. They kept it out and he continued to take almost all of his bottles without trouble. Earlier in the week we decided to try using a high flow nipple, and that seemed to really help him with bottling success. Friday afternoon Jack saw the speech therapist at Children's and drank an entire bottle in 5 minutes without any trouble. So...the tube has remained out! He has been doing great and taking near 80% of his volume. We are basically treating him the same as we do Maggie, sometimes he takes more and sometimes he takes less. If he does decrease his intake we are prepared to put the feeding tube back in immediately, but we are trying to be positive that he has turned a corner and is OK without it. On Friday he weighed 11lbs 3oz. Then Saturday afternoon he was weighed again at 11lbs 5oz, and a 2oz increase in a day is perfect! He and Maggie have their 4-month well-baby visit Tuesday, so we'll get another weight check on him to reassure his growth is OK, should he still not have the tube (fingers and toes crossed) come then. Being tube free isn't Jack's only recent change. He has actually changed a lot in just a week! He has become a lot more aware of the world around him. He will play on his mat for well into 30 minutes, all the while cooing and swinging his toys around. Speaking of cooing, he has also found his voice, smile and hands. He loves to sit on my knees and smile or bring his hands up and suck on his fist. He has adorable dimples and I love seeing him without his tube!

Maggie is changing right along with her bigger, little brother. On Saturday she weighed 9lbs 3oz. She doesn't feel like it at all though. She is so petite, and still wearing her newborn outfits perfectly. She is really cooing and "talking" a lot more. She recently discovered her mobile in her crib and in the morning when she first wakes I'll turn it on and she'll play under it giggling and squirming about. She has discovered her hands and is starting to learn how to calm herself. She's also become quite addicted to her pacifier and swing. She naps quite well, once she gets settled with a good swaddle and pacifier.

Both babies got their first RSV shot on Saturday, which went OK. Jack cried, but was easily calmed. Maggie however was not pleased and it took her a while to calm down. They also got to meet our good friends Chad and Erin on Saturday. This weekend's weather was really nice, so Saturday we went on a walk in the neighborhood and this afternoon we actually took them on a walk with Wilma at a park down the street. It was nice to have a change of scenery and feel like we got "out of the house".

We're slowly learning how to "read" the babies better. They have started to settle into a more defined routine, though their sleeping patterns are still varied. Neither baby is much of a morning person, and Jack seems to be having a nighttime fussy period. In fact right now Brian is rocking him for the third time tonight because he can't seem to calm down.

Jack smiling at his new friend Erin

Jack sitting quite well in his bumbo seat

Jack & Maggie in their bumbo seats & sitting together

Friday, November 6, 2009


Brian and I celebrated 4 years of marriage yesterday! I can't believe another year has gone by, and I love him even more every day! We went out to dinner last night, and we will get another night out together Saturday. All of this because I have the most wonderful in-laws ever!!!! Thank you Jeff & Charlotte!!!

Last week I had another meltdown from exhaustion and the babies actually stayed a night at their grandparents' house so that I could get a full night sleep. Well, it worked out beautifully and they have decided to take them Tuesday and Thursday nights for us, which is just awesome!! I have been able to catch up on sleep, clean the house, do laundry and even relax. I'm feeling spoiled right now as I know most moms of even 1 baby don't get this kind of time away.

Jack is still working on bottle feeding. He is averaging about 50% each day, which is good. We'll just keep working with him, and although at times it is hard, we will get to 100% and lose the tube some day. He is starting to gaze up at things and loves to do push-ups on someone's chest. I'm working on him to start tracking toys and people, and to start reaching for things. He has amazing neck strength and will probably learn to hold his head and sit-up before his big sister.

Maggie has started to learn the technique of self-soothing. She put herself to sleep yesterday and the day before while playing, and she has also learned how to play actively. She loves to stare and follow mommy's voice, and I think she will soon start reaching for her toys on her own. She still doesn't love tummy time, but isn't as angry every time we lay her down.

Both babies have been doing some good sleep stretches at night, just never at the same time. Each one has slept as long as 7 hours, it just seems like when one decides to do that stretch, the other decides they want to be up every 3 hours. Hopefully once we can get Jack bottle feeding better we won't have too much trouble increasing his volume, which will then help him to get more at night and sleep longer. For now, I'm just focused on keeping them healthy and strong. And keeping my sanity. :)

I also have to give a big Thank you to Aunt Lisa and Cousin Carol! Aunt Lisa has helped out with feedings and took great care of Wilma while the babies were in the hospital. Cousin Carol has not only made us some yummy dinners, but also has given us a swing and pack n play, that are getting great use. These babies are lucky to have such a great family that loves them very much!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pumpkin torture

We tortured the babies for their first Halloween, inspired by a card we got earlier this year

Maggie's onesie has a skeleton and says "I Love My Mummy", also glows in the dark.
Jack's onesie has a pumpkin and says "Baby's First Halloween".

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