Tuesday, April 28, 2009

18 Weeks 2 Days

Here are some pictures of my belly at 18 weeks, as well as a picture of Wilma and I. Also in the background are our new counter tops and painted cabinets. Hopefully this weekend we'll get paint picked out, and perhaps on the walls.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

17 Weeks

Sorry I missed Week 16, but here is Week 17:

Today I saw the OB. It was a good appointment and we went over a lot of information. I'm measuring right on track for twins, but that also means I'm measuring a "normal" 26 weeks pregnancy! Which explains the horrible back and belly pain I've been having.

My mother-in-law has offered to co-host a baby shower with my mom, for the family people to attend! Then...my wonderful friends Sarah, Erin and Angela offered to throw me a "friends" shower, which is so generous of them. We are certainly lucky people! Additionally Aunt Katie has given us not only two cribs, but two high chairs and Aunt Patty has given us a number of Little Tikes toys...so we are off to a good start. I've started really narrowing down what we'll register for, man there is a lot of stuff to take in!

We are mostly excited for May 4th, when we'll have our next ultrasound AND found out the babies' genders. I've posted a poll for Baby A and Baby B. So...everyone VOTE! :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

14 Week Pictures

OK, starting off, here is my belly at 14 weeks. I need to start taking these pictures when we are going out somewhere or before work, instead of when I am drained at the end of the day...
Next are pictures of Baby A:

Baby A's heartbeat.

Baby A's hand waving "Hi mommy & daddy".

Baby A's profile.

And now Baby B:

Baby B's heartbeat

Baby B's foot

Baby B's hand & profile

And a rather bizarre picture- Baby B's face.
That's all we have for now. We'll learn what the babies are sometime around the first week of May. I'm on pins and needles until then. :)

Catching up here

It's been a while since I last posted, my world has been quite upside down lately.

I'll start with last Friday. The week ended pretty normal. I was rather tired, work was a little crazy, but nothing terrible. I was feeling the effect of the week and decided to plan ahead and take Monday off. Onto Saturday. We had a very productive day. We woke up early, got everything together, rented the van from Ikea, picked up our new stove and microwave from HH Gregg (I will post pictures... we LOVE it!), dropped them off at home, and made our way to Hebron. We then chatted with Brian's aunt Katie and picked up the two gorgeous cribs she has so awesomely given us! They are super nice! After that we stopped at the Gap Outlet and I found 3 maternity shirts amid the chaos of a Saturday in that place. Finally we stopped at Brian's other Aunt's house, chatted with his uncle Mark and packed up the fun looking Fischer Price stuff they gave us. Although we won't "need" if for another few years, we are incredibly lucky with the stuff his family has so generously handed down to us. Once we got home I crashed for a nap while Brian installed the new microwave and stove. Then we met Jeff and Charlotte at Uno's Pizzeria and enjoyed some lovely conversation and pizza. The night ended well and I slept like a log that night.

Now Sunday. The day started off good. We were both energetic and into getting stuff done around the house. Brian worked on his projects and I cleaned around the house. I finally got the bathroom cleaned and the laundry started. Then around the afternoon I started feeling "weak". I slowed down some, but didn't have pain or anything so just kept slowly working around the house. Suddenly I felt a "gush" and upon running to the bathroom found blood. I'd spotted before, so I didn't think much of it. Then later there was more, and more and more. It wasn't a "huge" amount, but it was more than I was accustomed to seeing and I pretty much panicked. Being Sunday I knew my options were limited. I called the doctor's emergency line and left a message. The midwife on duty called me back and explained that unless I were experiencing signs of hemorrhaging, that the ER couldn't do anything. So I just needed to remain on bed rest for the remainder of the day and schedule an ultrasound for Monday. Sunday was a long, long afternoon and evening. Brian and I pretty much just camped out on the couch the rest of the day and tried to keep positive. I think the worst was just NOT knowing. We've waited so long for these babies and we can't fathom the idea of something being wrong... we just can't! I didn't sleep much at all that night.

Onto Monday. I woke up Monday feeling numb. I didn't know whether the ultrasound was going to be good or bad. I didn't know what to do. Brian was awesome, as he always is in moments of crisis. We weren't able to get in for an ultrasound until the later afternoon, so we spent the day curled up just relaxing. And then the ultrasound. Everything was/is fine!! We breathed a huge sigh of relief when she said both heartbeats were very strong and all was good. Then we got to watch the babies on the screen. It was the best part of my day! We watched as Baby A squirmed all over the place. We watched as Baby B calmly floated there. Then we watched as Baby A rolled over, kicked at Baby B which caused Baby B to roll over and move further away from Baby A. It was awesome and we walked away reassured everything was great with the babies and with tons of pictures in our hands. Afterwards I had a follow-up appointment with my OB. It appears that one of the placenta may be lying very low on my cervix, which is most likely causing the bleeding. He did an exam and said everything looked OK and told me what to watch for, but that for now the bleeding was OK. Another sigh of relief and we were on our way home.

Tuesday morning I was feeling much more positive about everything, but I think from all the stress and lack of sleep (I didn't sleep much Monday night either) I was just mentally and physically exhausted. Brian returned to work, but I stayed home and slept a good portion of the day. I felt so refreshed and ready for the world by that afternoon. We even went for a walk with Wilma that evening and I just finally felt like all was right!

Wednesday and Thursday were chaotic days at work. I came back into the office with a huge mess of stuff and it just seemed like the world had come to an end while I was absent. I'd made a promise to myself and Brian that work was certainly not the most important thing going on in my life right now, but I just can't seem to let the stress not linger with me. Finally today I came in resolved that I'll do what needs to be done while at work, but I'm not bringing it home with me any longer. Additionally, I'm not taking the full brunt of the workload on alone any more. My direct supervisor is on vacation through next week, so this will be my time to finally show his supervisor what things are like. Fortunately today has already been drastically different, and things are looking much better. Plus, it is Friday!

I have pictures of the babies and a picture of my 14 week belly that I will post later today or tomorrow. For now, I think I'm officially caught up with the chaos that I feel has been our life lately.

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