Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Merry Christmas to all...

and to all a good night!

More pictures to come!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Keller family!!

Haircut #2

Jack's hair was starting to get long, in his eyes and tangled.

So, he got another haircut.

Check out my little man! We decided to go short, considering how fast his hair grew back from his last cut. He did really well with the clippers and everything.

Maggie wanted to ham up for the camera. We're going to wait for her first haircut...I love her curls, especially as her hair continues to grow.

Jack's tumble

Jack stumbled just right and hit his eye on the corner of the ottoman. He cut the corner of his eye open and had a decent bruise. Daddy rushed him to the doctor (Thank you so much to Chris Vine for watching Maggie!!) and they looked him over and said everything is OK. He is such a trooper!

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."

Christmas Tree! Maggie loves the tree. She will stand there, point at it, point at the different ornaments and she tries to say "Christmas tree", though it comes out a bit jumbled!

Christmas Village

Stockings hung with care

New nativity scene

Saint Nick gifts from Granny

Whatever happened to normal days?

Things have been up and down with the kids patterns, health, sleeping, and just about everything. Jack is cutting 2 molars and 2 canines, and I think Maggie has more coming in alongside two top, front teeth. That with runny noses and slight coughs, has made for stressed out Mommy & Daddy. We seem to be turning a corner though...

Sneaky little thing!

Check out our new chairs!

The kids crashed one day in the early evening. This is what I came home to after work.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Crying it out revisted

We're getting through, but man the last couple of weeks have taken their toll on the Keller household. The kids haven't been going to bed as well lately. It started with teething, then the holiday and staying late visiting with family threw them off, and finally we're settling back into routine...but certainly not back to normal yet. With all the holiday fun, Brian and I also managed to get sick. This past weekend was our annual holiday party with friends, and it was tons of fun...but the weekend ended with me fairly exhausted. I'm feeling much better, but having laryngitis and working in a call center is taking it's toll on my poor throat. Fortunately aside from some mild stuffiness, the kids didn't get sick. We're all decorated for Christmas at the Keller home, and we're just about finished Christmas shopping. I have lots of photos to share, but honestly, Jack is FINALLY asleep and I think I'd rather head to bed myself than load photos. Hopefully tomorrow night he doesn't take nearly 2 hours to go to bed again. That's right, he screamed for just about 2 hours! Maggie stayed snug as a bug in her bed and didn't make a peep, which is great. So hopefully Jack just needs another night to get back into things...hopefully!

*yawn* Night-night!

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