Monday, March 5, 2012

Sick as dogs

I'm not sure where that saying comes from, but whatever it means, Jack & Maggie are just that. They started with a cough and by Saturday the fevers were worse so off to the doctor we went. Jack & Maggie both have an ear infection (in the same ear) and hopefully with some rest, bubble gum medicine and TLC they will be back to their normal selves soon. Maggie is a saint when it comes to her medicine. Jack, not at ALL easy. I have to bribe, beg and resort to all sorts of promises. Poor things, they are just so miserable! :(

When all else fails...

pull out the tents and tunnels!

We enjoyed some gorgeous weather for a few days last week, and were even spoiled with some outdoor play time. It was great, but such a tease. So after much whining about wanting to go outside, I pulled out the tents and tunnels. All the crawling, running, climbing and movement seemed to do the trick.

Diaper hat

I seriously LOVE this little boy!


With a kids get in free offer available at the aquarium we decided to try out the aquarium for the first time. Neither Brian nor I have ever been there, so we really didn't know what to expect. We had heard good things though, so optimistically we packed up and headed to Newport.

Sunglasses on and ready to go!

Let's see some fish!

Unfortunately this is how most of the experience ended up. The exhibits were all a bit too high for the kids to really see the fish, so we spent a lot of time picking them up so they could see all the action.

Maggie checking out the guy inside the tank feeding the fish

Mommy with her kiddos

Stopping for gold fish crackers, seemed appropriate for a snack among the fish


Unfortunately the penguins were at the end and by that point we were all eager to leave. I'm thinking we'll hold off on the aquarium for another few years. It was still nice getting out together as a family.

Where did my babies go?

Jack's new hairdo

It's much easier to clean the peanut butter and jelly out of his hair now! Plus, he looks just so darn cute! :)

Butterfly craft

I saved up the toilet paper rolls again and the kids made another cute craft!

I cut out the hearts and they colored and put stickers on them to decorate the wings. Then each kid picked out a color and painted their butterfly body.

During nap time after they were dry I glued on the wings and made the faces.

I love 'em!!

Flashlight party!

We pulled out our flashlights and had a fun party in the dark! Then we played flashlight hide and seek, which was hilarious with Jack & Maggie. I love the sound of, "Daaaaddy, where are youuuu?"


Sometimes we're the Mommy.

Sometimes we're the Baby.

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