Thursday, May 21, 2009

What a difference a day makes

New pregnancy symptoms have arrived, over night! I awoke yesterday bigger. Just all around, everywhere, bigger. My feet and hands are now swelling and I can't control my body temperature anymore. Fortunately the building at work is usually cold, and I have a fan on me constantly to help keep me from burning while at work. And we've got the air conditioning running at home. After my doctor's appointment Tuesday I noticed my ankles were slightly swollen, but nothing terrible. Well they are still swollen and I don't know that it is going to go away. Also, I need new shoes. I've been living out of my flip flops, but they aren't providing any support. Last night I was so uncomfortable. However much all of this "new" stuff has kind of got me feeling down...last night Brian felt a baby (I think Jack) move! I was sitting there eating dinner and he kept just kind of moving, nothing strong, just movement. It was pretty consistent so I immediately took Brian's hand and placed it on the spot and he felt it a couple of times. Then Jack must have stopped and it went away. I also felt Maggie (definitely Maggie) move around consistently for the first time late last night. Unfortunately I also have a sore spot in that area today. It was awesome getting to have Brian feel the movement! :)

I went maternity bra shopping after work yesterday. I should have done this a couple of weeks ago, but I held it off. Not a good idea. Shopping for anything while swollen and uncomfortable, and making that a bra on top of it, was not a good idea. I finally found something that fit, I just hope it continues to fit. I couldn't believe how BIG I had to move up in size.

Aside from all of my moaning and groaning about everything today...I'm super excited. Today is my Friday and we leave for our vacation tomorrow morning!!! I can't wait to hit the road and just spend a few days with Brian away from everything. :)

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