Friday, May 8, 2009

Registery, check!

Last night Brian and I went to Babies R Us after work and registered! I had researched a lot of technical stuff on-line beforehand and even we that we ended up being there for 2.5 hours! It was a fun trip though. We played with the stroller, drove it around the store, made sure we liked the way the car seats worked and even "messed" with pack n plays to ensure we liked the one we chose. In addition we were overwhelmed by the feeding department and fell in love with a $700 glider and ottoman set...which we did NOT register for. :) It was a good trip for us to get our feet wet in this whole "baby" thing too. I'll admit, I felt pretty ill prepared for having children while there. I wasn't sure about half the stuff there. Then Brian reassured me, "People have been doing this since the caveman days.", and I just know we will get this right. :)

After registering we had yummy burgers at Red Robin- Brian's favorite! By the time we got home we were both pretty beat. We did make a quick pit stop by Lowe's to purchase the tile saw for this weekend.

I'm very happy it is Friday. Tonight we are going to relax, then tomorrow we are getting our new dishwasher and perhaps starting on the tile. Tomorrow night we are going to the Wessel home to celebrate Mike Downing's birthday with a grill out. Should the weather permit there is going to be a bonfire later that night and we'll meet some new people. Then Sunday more tiling and I'll work on some house chores. Kind of busy weekend coming up, but we're almost there with the kitchen... :)

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