Monday, May 18, 2009

21 Weeks

Starting off, here is my 21 week belly.
I looked like hell in the picture, so I cropped myself out of it.

This past weekend was a lot of fun, and quite busy. Saturday we had dinner with our friends at Valley Vineyard in Morrow, Ohio. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed getting to see everyone.

Then Sunday I went to the outlet mall with Charlotte. I got some cute baby outfits.

I was also able to find two maternity dresses, and a few shirts. The shirt I'm wearing above won't be working for long...I learned while shopping that buttons down the front isn't going to last as I grow. :) I'm thinking eventually I'll just start wearing tents.

The best part was coming home Sunday and finding this:

Brian put the cribs together and even attached the mobiles. They look so stinkin' cute. Now we just need to decorate!

Today I got a package in the mail from my mama. She sent me some different quilting stuff and a really cute maternity shirt she made me:

My mama is so talented!!

Tomorrow I have a follow-up OB appointment, and a list ready with many questions and stuff to go over. I can't wait to hear the heartbeats and then eventually have another ultrasound to see the babies again!

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