Thursday, July 22, 2010

1st Birthday Party!

It was a great, fun-filled 1st Birthday weekend! Grandpa Ron, Grandma Shannon & Great Grandma Lily came out to Ohio for Jack & Maggie's 1st Birthday! It was very hot and occasionally muggy outside during the party, but all the guests were troopers and it looked like everyone had a great time. We sure did!

Grandma Shannon and I made TONS of cupcakes and little cakes for the kids

Really- TONS of cupcakes!

Maggie in her Birthday dress and Princess hat

Jack in his Prince hat

Ready for cake after singing "Happy Birthday"!

And after!

They were a mess, luckily it was warm enough- we just hosed them off.

After getting all cleaned up, Maggie still playing around in her Princess hat

It is hard to believe a year has already gone by! To all of our friends and family, thank you!! You're love and support over this past year helped us get through...and we are excited for what the next year will bring!

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