Saturday, July 17, 2010

On your first Birthday

My little girl.  You have the sweetest way of just making me smile.  Even though you have always been small, you make up for it with a larger than life personality.  I never knew a baby could have so much spunk, until I met you.  And the day I met you I fell in love!  You can smile so bright it makes everyone else stop and smile.  From the day you were born you've been going.  You never liked tummy time, but enjoyed laying on your back and just kicking around.  When you learned to roll, it was funny to watch as you progressed to army crawling and finally crawling.  And now you are learning to stand and walk!  You can climb the stairs FAST and it is probably you're favorite thing to do.  You play contently with all of your toys, often babbling or singing as you play.  Lately we have seen you engaging with your brother as you play.  At 1 you say all sorts of things and since you were very young you've been quite vocal.  You can roll your tongue and sing such pretty songs.  Although you don't enjoy being confined to your high chair - or anything - you do eat very well.  You love bath time and seem to be a water baby, as you enjoyed your first time in the big pool.  When you are happy, you are so happy!  And when you need comforting you are sweet and cuddly.  You've recently started wrapping your arms around my neck and giving me big hugs.  You're doggy, Wilma, is fascinating and you are very kind to her.  Although sometimes shy at first, you are starting to open up to people, but Mommy still ranks as #1.  You have grown and changed so much over the past year!  And I never knew how much my heart could feel love until you came into my life.  You make your Mommy & Daddy very happy and we can't wait to see what next year brings.  We love you!  You'll always be Mommy's little Magpie!
Mommy :)

My sweet baby boy.  It has been a whole year since you came into m life, and I can't believe how much you have grown.  You have always been my little fighter.  When you were born you were very small and even when you get sick - you are always just the sweetest guy.  You love to cuddle up on my chest, almost reaching your arms up to hold onto me.  You have this funny way of grunting and growling as you climb all over me - it's how I started calling you Monkey.  You love to smile.  You have the biggest, brightest blue eyes, that just sparkle and light up the whole room.  You have your Daddy's dimples, but they are even deeper with you chunky cheeks.  You are always on the go now at 1, but you weren't always that way.  For a long time you were a very content, stationary baby.  You would play on your mat and when you learned to sit - you would just play with whatever you could reach.  You enjoyed tummy time and when you got your bouncer for Christmas, you loved the new standing view.  When you learned to crawl, you went backwards for a while - struggling to get the right motions in place to go forward.  You would back yourself into the wall or a toy and then sit up and contently play.  And before we knew it, you got it figured out and you have been moving ever since.  It seems since you learned mobility, you have never stopped.  You love to crawl around from toy to toy - and really enjoy standing at anything and banging your toys away.  You are a constant teething baby, you have been since 6 months!  At 1 you have 4 front teeth and your smile is so different from your toothless grin!  You love to eat!  There is rarely a food you don't like and nothing you won't try.  Among your favorites are hot dogs, macaroni & cheese, cheerios, gold fish crackers and fridge pops.  You can feed yourself pretty well.  You seem to be a water baby.  You love bath time and really enjoyed your first time in a BIG pool.  I guess it's the summer baby in you.  Recently you have learned to cuddle again - and I treasure the moments when I can hold you close and play with your long hair as your sleep.  Even when you are sad, I still get a smile inside when you say "Mama", and I love the way you light up when I enter the room.  You enjoy talking to Daddy on the phone - sometimes say "Hey".  You think you're doggy, Wilma, is hilarious and chuckle when she does something funny.  Most of all, my baby boy, you make your Mommy & Daddy very happy.  The last year with you in our life has been the greatest year yet.  We can't wait to watch you grow up into a toddler and big boy, but are happy letting you remain our little man for now.  We love you very much!  You'll always be Mommy's little Monkey!
Mommy :)

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