Saturday, July 3, 2010

It was bound to happen...

The babies got their first colds. :( It started with Jack having a small cough Monday. As the week progressed the cough became more productive along with a runny nose and some slight fussiness. Tuesday night Maggie had an utter meltdown during our dinner at Willie's with the Vines. When we got home she had a low fever and was very fussy. And she just went down hill from there. Thursday night she was still running a fever on and off (manageable with Tylenol) and she looked just miserable. I got her and Jack into the pediatrician first thing Friday morning and wouldn't you know it, Jack is fine, but Maggie has a double ear infection. So she's on some bubble gum antibiotic and hopefully she is feeling better in a couple of days. Unfortunately the bubble gum flavor isn't Maggie's favorite (actually she doesn't like taking ANY meds), so that is a twice daily chore. Jack had a solo slumber party with Granny and Gramps Friday night, and he will probably stay there tonight as well. Maggie isn't sleeping all that comfortably, and she is sleeping with us, which means I'm not sleeping all that comfortably either. So far today she is in semi-good spirits. Still a bit whiny, and her nose is running more. She's developed a cough and raspy sounding voice, but she still has her sweet moments that we know and love. Right now she is helping Daddy make breakfast by playing with her reflection in the oven and learning how to open the cabinet to the trash can.

We made it 11 and a half months without getting sick, which is pretty awesome! We will be all better and in tip top shape for our BIG party in 2 weeks. I can't believe it, my babies will be 1 in just 2 short weeks!!

Maggie in Gramp's arms

Jack pulled the bumper off the fireplace and then bonked his head

Despite not feeling well, Maggie somehow climbed (or probably fell) into the toy box while I was upstairs getting her bottle- she was very proud of herself

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